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Program Information
Takes on the World
Host Jeff Blankfort
 Jeff Blankfort  Contact Contributor
Nov. 14, 2018, 12:50 p.m.
I begin by pointing out the role that an Israeli high tech firm played in the killing of Jamal Khasoggi and the recorded evidence released by Turkey of killers communicating with aide to Mohammad bin Salman that the job had been suceessfully carried out. I note that Trump's unwillingness to blame MbS encouraged the crown prince to escalate bombing raids in Yemen.

I note that while Mattis calls for a cease fire and has, reportedly, ended mid-air refueling of Saudi planes, he did not mention halting the targeting intel for those planes. I also make clear that US is in a position to stop the war should it choose to.

I then go on to described Israel's gains in the midterms that everyone but the Jewish media has ignored, citing uberzionist Ann Lewis's applauding Eliot Engel becoming chair of the House Foreign Relations Committee and Nina Lowey the chair of the House Appropriations Com. where aid to Israel is promoted. I point out Engel's role as a delegation chair to the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians, an arm of the World Jewish Congress. Engel's main concern is maintaining bi-partisan support of Israel which is in Israel's interests. I then quote an AIPAC email expressing its satisfaction with the way the midterms turned out.

I note that three Democrat senators who opposed the Iran nuclear deal won as well as Israel gaining a new senator with former synagogue president Jacky Rosen in Nevada who last year in the House co-sponsored the Defend Israel Act of 2017 which would have accelerated funds for Israel's missile defense which I point out was unnecessary and was done to catch the eye of pro-Israel donors.

I then explore the past of new Arizona senator, Krysten Sinema, who apparently has abandoned her former pro-Palestinian activities and work for Code Pink and Ralph Nader to become a centrist Democrat and supporter of ICE and being tough on refugees, but Jewish Democrats prefer that she lost because of her now abandoned work for Palestine.

I then note that I had to learn from the Israeli press that joining Trump to watch the election returns was his main benefactor Sheldon Adelson with wife Miriam and Stephen Scwarzman, another Jewish billionaire who heads the Blackstone Group and then a few days later he announces that Miriam Adelson, an Israeli, will be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom along with Elvis Presley, Babe Ruth and Orrin Hatch.

I then report on the record breaking dinner in Beverly Hilla of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces a week before the election with Adelson and Haim Saban each contributing 10 million dollars to the tax-exempt $60.4 million total which only the Hollywoood trade organ, Variety, reported. I note that with 4000 vets homeless in Los Angeles, the wealthy Zios obviously prefer to keep their support for a foreign army private.

I conclude with a brief summary of the exchange between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and the resulting cease fire which has led to the resignation of Avigodor Liberman as Defense Minister and the demand by Uber Zionist pro-annexation Jewish Home Party that its head, Naftali Bennett, be appointed in his place or it will leave the government and force new elections.

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00:15:19 1 Nov. 14, 2018
KZYX Studios, Philo, CA
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