Richie is joined by Tony Gosling & Tommy Sheridan Tony Gosling is a broadcaster and former BBC journalist. Tony hosts BCfms weekly Politics Show. Its unmissable. Tony discusses the extraordinary revelation that when Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia collapsed in Salisbury 10 months ago, after they were allegedly poisoned with Novichok, the very first person who attended them was none other than Colonel Alison McCourt, the British armys top nurse! Tony also has a brilliant report on the Gilets Jaunes protests in France and much more. And the Scottish Socialist and journalist Tommy Sheridan is on. Tommy provides brilliant analysis of the US governments attempts to overthrow Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Tommy talks about Hugo Chavez, why his policies were a real success and why the media never reports the facts about Venezuela. They also discuss Scottish Independence, Brexit and fox hunting. Support The Richie Allen Show by donating at Richie has been producing and presenting television and radio programs for the best part of twenty years. The Richie Allen Show airs Monday - Thursday at 5 PM GMT and at 11 AM UK Time each Sunday. (Channel 2)