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Program Information
outFarpress presents
Listen Globally!
Weekly Program
International news and opinion, shortwave, Spanish National Radio, NHK Japan National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Voice of Russia
 Dan Roberts  Contact Contributor
April 30, 2020, 4:21 p.m.
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.
Dear Radio Friend,
     This week's show features stories from Sputnik Radio, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Radio Havana Cuba.
   (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {33MB}

       From JAPAN- Rumors continue to swirl about the whereabouts and health of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. North Korea is seeking aid from China as it struggles with US sanctions. Japan has decided to extend its state of emergency to restrain the spread of Covid-19. Then a review of government responses to the virus in numerous other nations around the world.

       From GERMANY-  In Lebanon anti-government protests have been ongoing for months but now more intense street confrontations with the army have become a nightly event. Germany announced a ban on the political wing of Hezbollah, declaring it a terrorist organization and raided dozens of sites on Thursday. Then short reports on the status of Covid-19 in many other countries.

       From CUBA- The New York Times reported that the Covid-19 death toll in Ecuador is 15 times higher than the official government count- then reports on other Latin American countries. A Viewpoint on the annual report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute on the record global military spending in 2019, with more than a third of the entire amount from the US.

       From RUSSIA- On his weekly program George Galloway spoke with Economics Professor Steve Keen. They discuss the effect the pandemic is having on the state of capitalism, and whether it will be a viable system in the future.

            The latest Shortwave Report (May 1) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
   (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {33MB}

PODCAST!!!- feed://  (160kb Highest Quality)

ARTICLE about the Shortwave Report in the Boulder Weekly by Gavin Dahl-

Website Page- 
< >
       ¡FurthuR!      Dan Roberts

"The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity - much less dissent."
-- Gore Vidal

Dan Roberts
Shortwave Report-

Highest Quality Download Program Podcast
160kb not vbr
00:29:00 1 April 30, 2020
Mendocino County, California
  View Script
 00:29:00  160Kbps mp3
(33MB) Mono
887 Download File...
Broadcast Quality Download Program Podcast
64kb not vbr
00:29:00 1 April 30, 2020
Mendocino County, California
  View Script
 00:29:00  64Kbps mp3
(13MB) Mono
888 Download File...
Quick Download/ Slow-Modem Streaming Download Program Podcast
24KB vbr
00:29:00 1 April 30, 2020
Mendocino County, California
  View Script
 00:29:00  24Kbps mp3
(6MB) Mono
947 Download File...