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Program Information
Class War Battlefield Podcast
Vphiamer Adis (Host)
 Mahoka Mwako Asili Temple  Contact Contributor
June 13, 2020, 11:20 p.m.
There was no easy way to produce this episode, it includes 5 parts, each one contributing a different lens which the listener can view racism through.
Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2020.06.00
Reflections on the George Floyd Protests Including a Reincarnation Connection
There isn’t much I can say that hasn’t been said about George Floyd’s death; in deed I sought to publish this and the succeeding parts because I felt what I said in them needed to be said. No, you are not reading the title incorrectly, my spiritual interests, my spiritual nature, called for this contribution to be made during this time when protests and demands were resulting in reaction motifs leading to reactionary policies, policies I doubt will last – but I’ll get to that in another part. Here, I start off by discussing the limitations in police words and actions, if their unions – their benevolent associations, their fraternal orders and their vast networks don’t release statements condemning this man’s actions but demanded strict prosecution. I then speak about the unspoken War Against the Black Community that has transpired over the past 60 years, before delving head long into the genetic memories, the ancestral cues feeding the anger and resilience in the black community at this time.

Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2020.06.01
The Threat Revealed by the George Floyd Protests, Too Much Democracy
I have a fear, it’s only grown as these last few weeks have transpired; that fear is the Elite, the wealthy, those who believe they have a divine right to rule over you, I, our children, our grandparents, their grandparents, our forthcoming generations and those we don’t know; have watched the events surrounding George Floyd’s death with contempt (part 04 for more information on their response), they have watched the protests, the removal of statues, the decision to force reform where inaction was the status quo; they have watched all this happen and concluded the actions undertook constituted too much democracy. I believe it was Samuel Huntington and the neocon technocrats who wrote the Trilateral Commission’s document, Crisis of Democracy (he didn’t write it but made a similar observation as did the report) that the 60s produced an environment where too much democracy could be expressed. The answer was to ensure that didn’t happen again. I worry, the same take away will be gleamed by a class of people who have already set themselves towards building a surveillance state that rivals China’s; all so they can play their diplomatic games without the pesky interference from America’s everyday peon. This episodic part, is dedicated to that fear.

Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2020.06.02
Racism, A Conversation Whose Time Has Come
Beyond Race as a Conversational Topic
My life as a Black man in America, has taught me much about Racism. The last seven years has taught me the most about a topic I tried hard not to broach in the preceding years, even though it played a role in every area of my life. Now I lay bare some thoughts on racism and the Eurmerican infrastructure that feeds it. I reveal how many Europeans I believe are racist and how many aren’t, and how many do not want to be. I also speak on the idea of white folks seeking validation for their actions when they ask that prodding question to their Black friends, trying to get them to say they’re not racist. I move on to speak about the racism laden in the New Deal and what that says about the European who seeks solidarity with Black people. I do not end this podcast episode on hope, I end instead end it with some stark truths about Eurasian Society and what is becoming increasing clear to all non-Europeans, that your society is a dumpster fire and yet those who live in it, parade around like they come from perfect, well rounded, well-functioning societies that have no imperfections or exist without wants. This is not an easy episode to listen to if you still believe the lies of European Supremacy.

Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2020.06.03
Suburban Progressives Obsession with Barack Obama
I recorded this a few months ago, so some references may be dated, nonetheless the main message still holds true. While I am not above criticizing the 44th president, what I have noticed is a disdain that borders the realm of hatred, disgust and contempt, the likes of which I have never seen hurled at any other president before nor since; all coming from the Suburban Progressive. While I applaud the passion demonstrated by some of the people I critique in this episodic part (Jimmy Dore at the top of the list), I still couldn’t turn a blind eye nor ear to the viciousness in the voiced of those who reach tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and in some rare cases, millions of people. This is not an easy episode to listen to, nor was a blast to record, but it was necessary.

Class War Battlefield Podcast Episode 2020.06.04
My Interest in Equality is Zero - Why – Your Standards are to Low
Justice and Equality is the call for this age – while I agree with the Justice as a rallying cry; equality is not something I would encourage BLM and other protest groups to call for; obviously the answer to the question, Why, is in this episodic parts title; explaining it is to present to you the last eight years of work I’ve put forward in this podcast. For starters, the economic system used by White Civilization destroys lives on many levels; it devalues human life to resource status, it devalues natural life to resource status, it poisons the environment while encouraging its participants to extract more and more from those environments until they become barren and unable to sustain life. Furthermore, the economic system has revealed itself to be anti-familial and anti-life; it gorges its exploiters on the lifeblood (education) of the oncoming generation, saddling them with so much debt, they can’t start families nor afford homes to continue building on the legacies started by those before them. The monetary system undergirding the economic system is far worse, being composed of imaginary transaction bills that serve only to boost some people’s egos and rob other people’s means of existence; the civilization is a mess. Yet there is hope, keep listening to find out more.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact me at

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