A Netflix doc and a lesbian rights group each expose the harms of conversion therapy; the Pope urges worldwide decriminalization of same-gender sex, Germany remembers LGBTQ Holocaust victims, India’s rightwing government objects to the appointment of a “highly qualified” proudly gay attorney to the Delhi High Court, a Maltese “former homosexual” is being prosecuted for promoting conversion therapy while a U.S. federal appeals court upholds a conversion therapy ban in the state of Washington, Florida’s Republican Governor RON DESANTIS nixes advance placement high school African-American Studies because it has a “queer theory” component [with his press conference comments], and Mars, Inc., the maker of M&M’s, melts to rightwing pressure led by Fox blowhard TUCKER CARLSON and “retires” its modernized “spokes-candies”. Those stories and more this week when you choose "This Way Out": the world's audio oasis for queer news and culture.
Hosted this week by Greg Gordon and produced with Lucia Chappelle. "NewsWrap" reported by Kalyn Hardman & Michael LeBeau, and produced by Brian DeShazor. Special editing thanks to David Hunt. Correspondent: Eric Jansen/"Out In The Bay". Theme music: Kim Wilson. Additional music: Yes, The Who, Lady Gaga.
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