This week’s radio show explores the final frontier in personal privacy, we investigate the Federalist Society and the federal courts, we present some under covered service cuts you may have missed while everyone was out chasing Russian ghosts, and for the feature piece we explore the inherent weaknesses in the War Machine’s tripartite structure.
Fire, brimstone, and coffee! It’s time for the Thunderbolt!
This is a production of Dancing Angel Media. You are free to rebroadcast as long as you are a non-profit — just please let us know if you do so.
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This program is best listened to through high-quality headphones at a very high volume
*The News & Commentary section of this week’s show originally aired on June 7th, 2019
Part 1:
Disclaimer / Station ID 00:00—00:41
TB Intro Music: Mike Oldfield 00:41—02:19
The True Final Frontier Music: Ken Nordine — Mystic Knights Of The Oingo Boingo — Ken Nordine — Mystic Knights Of The Oingo Boingo — Mike Oldfield — Ken Nordine 02:19—08:37
Iron Fists and Velvet Gloves Music: Zammuto — Vladivojna La Chia & Banana 08:37—18:30
The Inherent Instability of Tripartite Structures Music: Mason Williams — Hans Zimmer & BHD Orchestra — Ken Nordine 18:30—25:42
Hostile Universe Music: The Future Sound Of London 25:42—27:00
Part 2:
Disclaimer 27:00—27:08
While You Were Out Music: Mason Williams with Mannheim Steamroller — The Cure — The Residents — Ken Nordine 27:08—39:40
Music Intro 39:40—40:27
Watch Out for the Cops by David Rovics 40:23—43:38
Cops With Attitude by Harry Shearer 43:34—47:12
I'm A Better Anarchist Than You by David Rovics 47:12—49:26
Somebody’s Child by Judith Owen 49:25—52:36
Credits / Disclaimer / Promo 52:35—54:00
‘Bonus 6’ — KHUH, FRO & Patreon Only:
Intro 0:00—0:17
Cows With Guns by Dana Lyons 0:13—5:26
Credits 5:22—6:00
TBR 230324 - The Inherent Instability of Tripartite Structures*