An All-Star salute to the International Transgender Day of Visibility; Uganda lawmakers criminalize coming out in a new anti-queer low, Namibia Supremes strip citizenship from a bi-national gay couple’s child, Bosnian thugs attack Banja Luka queer activists, high courts in Bolivia and Nepal open doors to marriage equality, more U.S. states pass anti-trans bills, and anti-queer bigots in Australia and the U.S. violently protest trans rights and Drag Queen Story Hour. Those stories and more this week when you find "This Way Out": the world's audio oasis for queer news and culture.
Hosted this week by Greg Gordon and produced with Lucia Chappelle. "NewsWrap" reported this week by Sarah Montague & David Hunt, produced by Brian DeShazor. Correspondent: Roger Q. Mason, produced with Brian DeShazor and David Gonzalez. Theme music: Kim Wilson. Additional music: Credence Clearwater Revival; Dorian Wood.
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