The U.S. Supreme Court uses free speech to cripple queer rights (with reports by Christina Aanestad/KPFA and Amy Goodman/Democracy Now!, and comments by Jorge Reyes Salinas, Matthew Stone, Moira Donegan, Karine Jean-Pierre, Dan Farmer, and Melissa Gira Grant) … lesbian Los Angeles School Board President Jackie Goldberg rips book-burning wannabes a new one … and in “NewsWrap” (reported this week by MARCOS NAJERA & NICO RAQUEL and produced by BRIAN DeSHAZOR), Nepal’s top court orders marriage equality, Pride-goers are jailed again in Turkey, U.S. federal judges slam Tennessee and Kentucky pediatric trans care bans but Kansas reverses rules on changing gender markers, and Hamburger Mary’s serves a drag ban loss to Florida’s DeSantis. Those stories and more this week when you choose "This Way Out": the world's audio oasis for queer news and culture.
Hosted this week by Lucia Chappelle and produced with Greg Gordon. NewsWrap reported this week by Marcos Najera & Nico Raquel and produced by Brian DeShazor. Correspondents: Christina Aanestad/KPFA; Amy Goodman/Democracy Now!. Additional material: Edie Windsor, Robbie Kaplan. Theme music: Kim Wilson. Additional music: Blondie; Shorty Long; Between the Lions.
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