Getting REAL REVOLUTION Known Everywhere: There's Not A Moment To Waste
Weekly Program
Bob Avakian (Revolutionary Communist Party, The RevComs); Andy Zee (Host, RNL Show); Annie Day (The Bob Avakian Institute); Joe Veale (Long-time Revolutionary)
From the Bob Avakian Interviews available on the YouTube channel TheRevComs: “What is a real revolution?” Sunsara Taylor on the genocide unfolding in Gaza, and those around the world who have been speaking and acting against this. Annie Day about Revolution, Nothing Less Week. Bob Avakian on the impact that Black people and Black culture has had on him. Andy Zee speaks with Joe Veale, a long-time revolutionary on the code for the revolution, the Points of Attention.
Michael Slate - Host and Producer Sunsara Taylor – Guest host Henry Carson - Assistant Producer
Broadcast ready with a break and can accommodate local id if needed. If you use the show or simply check it out, write to us at with your comments, criticisms, suggestions and questions.