This week’s archive radio show starts off by reporting on an exciting new/old technology that allows you to shoot down drones — and yet another exciting new technology that allows you to soften your skin even as the CIA simultaneously secretly collects a DNA sample from you! What ingenious guys they are! Next we describe some of the advantages — and disadvantages — of our machines. We explore the fact that Occupy was partially funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and George Soros. Following that we expand a truly horrendous metaphor to truly horrendous lengths to describe activism and we describe how activists need to all pull together now and knock it off with all the circular firing squads — right before we explain why everything is pretty much F*%#ED anyway so activism is probably pointless at this point. We then describe the UN’s ‘stoneless’ state and then we describe a great movie idea in case anyone that actually makes movies wants to make a movie out of it. (It involves FBI entrappers being ’stung’ by FBI stingers.) Then, we describe one of the most evil humans in history that you have never heard of — the non-infamous Allen Dulles.
This is a production of Dancing Angel Media. You are free to rebroadcast as long as you are a non-profit — just please let us know if you do so.
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This program is best listened to through high-quality headphones at a very high volume
Part 1:
Disclaimer / Station ID 00:00—00:22
TB Intro Music: Focus 00:22—02:09
Soften Your Skin with the CIA! (Originally Aired 6–17-16) Music: Oranj Symphonette — The Mothers Of Invention 02:08-08:46
Machines (Originally Aired 6–17-16) Music: Lothar & The Hand People 08:46-12:50