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Program Information
WINGS: Women's International News Gathering Service
an economic tool to exploit women
Weekly Program
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 WINGS: Women's International News Gathering Service  Contact Contributor
Feb. 26, 2024, midnight
Structural Adjustment is the name of an economic regime imposed mainly on less developed countries that enforces drastic cuts to public employment and services spending in exchange for international lending. It also mandates privatization and opening to foreign investment, and pushes the resulting hardships largely onto women and their families. Speakers are Jamaican radio journalist and host Barbara Gloudon, and the following economists: Peggy Antrobus from the Caribbean and Gita Sen from India, founding members of DAWN (an organization of economists from the global South); Elizabeth Lwanga-Okwenje, African Region Director, Oxfam America; Elaine Zuckerman, former employee of World Bank; and Alice Rivlin, Brookings Institution.
Talks recorded by Mal Johnson and Frieda Werden; show produced and edited by Frieda Werden. Special thanks to DAWN: Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era, for event organizing.

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00:28:58 1 Feb. 26, 2024
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