Welcome to Indigenous in Music with Larry K. On this show we welcome Montreal, Canada we welcome Soleil Launiere into our spotlight, singer, songwriter, and performer. Her new album is out, fresh of the press, entitled “Taueu.” A nice soothing mix of Indigenous fusion pop tunes. She is featured in our current issue of the Say Magazine, read all about her at our place, on the web at https://www.indigenousinmusicandarts.org/past-shows/soleil-launiere
Enjoy Music from Soleil Launiere, Robbie Robertson, Red Road Ensemble, Angel Baribeau, Rose Moore, Dustin Harder, Prarie Soul, Mitchell Makoons Sarazino, Novalima Santana Latin Vibe Indigenous in Music Interview Soleil Launiere Kelly Frasier Captain Planet Leanne Goose Laura Niquay Indigenous in Music Nancy Sanchez, Olmeca Jasmine Netsena Shawn Michael Perry Corey Medina Garret T. Willie Qacung, Airjazz MIOS Latin Vibe Concorde a Orange ABZ Motivation, Shantel Norman Stolen Identity Shylay Ray Sunshine and much much more.
Visit us on our home page to learn about us and our programs at www.indigenousinmusicandarts.org, check into our Two Buffalo Studios and our SAY Magazine Library to find out all about our Artists and Entrepreneurs.