One from Elvis Costello's half-brother off the top in a Celtpunk Go Set. Tiller's Folly recall tough times in those Pioneer Days. Fiddle meets cello in a Glad Farewell from Jocelyn Pettit & Ellen Gira PLUS lots of Celtic and Nordic instros to soothe your frazzled soul. Slip into a healing hour of Celt In A Twist.
Calcopyrite Communications
The BibleCode Sundays - Bang Bang You're Dead The Go Set - Drums Of Chelsea Celtic Kitchen Party - All For Me Grog CANCON Tiller's Folly - Pioneer Days CANCON Frigg - Keidas = Oasis Hannah Sanders & Ben Savage - Reynardine Sketch - Encore Tartan Amoebas - Rescue Vishten Connexions - Sauvage feat. Catherine MacLellan CANCON Jocelyn Pettit & Ellen Gira - Glad Farewell CANCON Shilelagh Law - Meet Me On McLean Serras - Anglaise Epsylon - Je Me Souviens Young Dubliners - Real World Gnoss - Vore Tullye