The story of how an organization known as "Las Abejas" or "The Bees" is using forgiveness and nonviolence rather than revenge and hate to bring peace to Chiapas, Mexico.
Producer: Andrew Zimmerman Uploaded by: Andrew Zimmerman
Detailed Summary: Since January 1994, when members of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation, or EZLN, fought for 12 days against the Mexican government, the world press has periodically turned its fickle attention to Chiapas. But the struggle is ongoing: the indigenous peoples of Chiapas, of which the EZLN is merely the most visible segment, suffer what has been termed a "low intensity war" of harassment and violence from the Mexican military and loosely organized paramilitary groups. We recently spoke with members of a delegation that spent 10 days in Chiapas in September 1999, and learned the amazing story of how an organization known as "Las Abejas" or "The Bees" is using forgiveness rather than revenge to bring peace to Chiapas. Members of the delegation visited the Las Abejas village of Acteal, still recovering from a massacre in December 1997 that left 45 people dead, and found not hatred, but forgiveness.
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