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Feb. 23, 2006, 2:31 p.m.
see AUDIO SUMMARY lineup in files section below
F E B R U A R Y 2006 -- Week At A Glance program schedule
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Foundation/KBOO 90.7fm Portland Oregon
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TALK RADIO: topic is payday loan and similar outfits and scams--still conducted perfectly legally in the Oregon
Thursday Radiozine: Interview with Susan Linn, author of Consuming Kids: Protecting our Children from the Onslaught of Marketing and Advertising. Thursday, February 23, 9:00-9:30 am
0223 am 'Get This' news
author: shrike
Summary of the KBOO am news for Thursday, February 23rd, 2006
1. US district Judge Michael Hogan in Eugene dismissed a collection of lawsuits challenging logging in old growth forest reserves.
2. The EPA - that bastion of Truth, Beauty and the Environmental way - says that Oregon's air quality isn't. Maybe it's got something to do with the destruction of old growth forests and their replacement with monoculture tree farms...
3. Researchers at OSU just won't stop nagging the Bush League. A couple of weeks ago it was forest restoration the natural way. Now they are saying that marine ecosystems are critical to human life as we know it. California already has an integrated approach to maintaining the health of coastal waters. So it makes perfect sense that Oregon and Washington get on the bandwagon. The Ocean does not recognize state or even national borders. (Damn that illegal alien terrorist ocean!)
4. Alaska Governor Frank - 'I soil My Own Nest' - Murkowski took another fateful step toward turning the State into a Dead Zone. Murkowski, with the blessing of ConocPhillips and Exxon Mobil, submitted legislation that would replace the state's oil-production tax with a profit-linked levy. Basically, the oil companies dictated state tax law for their advantage.
5. In Washington State, Pacific Northwest National Lab is studying the effect of nanotechnology on living systems. What they are worried about, specifically, is the postulated nightmare known as "grey goo." The term came into the vernacular at least 10 years ago. It refers to the very real possibility that nano tech molecules, computers, could proliferate throughout living tissue and reduce life on earth to "grey goo."
6. FSRN: Biodiesel! Hurray for biodiesel! No so fast there, Mario Andretti. It won't solve our End of Oil troubles and it's a hell of a shot in the arm for Monsanto and other GM-mongering giants.
7. The US Supreme court says that alibis can't be introduced during the sentencing stage of a trial. Only power and money should ever have any influence in the Land of the Free, Home of the Slave.
8. KBOO's Sheila Whiteside's report on the Multnomah county Health Department's colossal screw-up with vaccinating poor kids. (Not only that, it's not like the vaccines are safe even when stored at the correct temperature. If absolutely perfect vaccines give the kiddies autism, then... wait..What the hell is this?)
9. It used to be that Oregon had a 'codes-based' HIV reporting system. But now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants us all to change over to a name-based' system - thus blowing patients' anonymity. The alternative is that we stay code-based and lose a cool $10 million in federal funding.
10. The Bush Administration says that journalists can be prosecuted under current espionage laws for receiving and publishing classified information. (Prediction: Other draconian laws will ooze into journalism and lie there in wait. Then when the next stolen or otherwise cancelled election comes along and people get uppity and martial law is inevitably locked on our legs, then all those of us who wrote critically of the administration can be rounded up and their past writing used to damn us. So keep writing and speaking because its too late to turn back anyway.)
11. Ever heard of the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States? The shy, elusive CFIUS is the agency that cooked up the Dubai Ports World deal that Bush is so hot to hug. (Follow the money; it leads through banks in the UAE, Kuwait and the Pentagon... .)
12. But what if I still am not entirely comfortable with the port plans: well then, Bob Dole is going to talk you through it. Because Bob dole cares and Bob Dole understands how all this international money and security thingy really works. No, really. Bob Dole is going to lobby on behalf of Port World.
13. South Dakota passed a ban on abortion based on the scientific fact that life begins at conception despite the observation that in South Dakota, it more likely begins with the purchase of a six-pack of Schlitz.
14. Semper Fi! Nine people, some of them US Marines, have been arrested for stealing bulletproof vests intended for troops in Iraq and trying to sell them to international arms merchants.
15. Iraq is careening towards all-out civil war. The destruction of the golden dome of the mosque in Samara triggered the outrage. And I still believe that although there is abundant animosity between Sunnis and Shiites, neither sect would blow up an ancient Muslim pilgrimage site. It just wouldn't happen. In all its clumsy, vicious horror, it could only have been done by... .(No, not al Qaeda, either. But good guess.)
16. The United Nations envoy in Iraq called a meeting of Iraqi religious and political leaders to try to difuse tensions between the Sunni and Shiite communities. Maybe this ought to have been done before the situation got so bad... Maybe the bad situation is actually good for business... who knows...
17. Europe's human rights watchdog says 5 EU nations have not given information about allegations of covert CIA prison transport flights. (So I guess that means we can pretty much rule out the other 41 as suspects.)
18. Jean Bertrand Aristide is going home to Haiti. The US State Department had this little tidbit of geopolitical wisdom to offer: 'Aristide's return would serve no useful purpose and could destabilize Haiti'. (translation: Aristide's return would serve no useful purpose insofar as it would not facilitate American empirical designs on the region. And with regard to destabilizing Haiti, it looks to me like covert US intervention in the internal Haitian affairs has pretty much "destabilized" the country back to the Stone Age.)
19. A 7.5 earthquake hit Mozambique and Zimbabwe. One good thing about having your country flattened by internecine wars, when a huge earthquake hits, you hardly notice it since everything is already on the ground. Which is pretty much what happened in the two African countries.


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