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Program Information
pdx kboo News and Public Affairs
$$$$$$$ hyperdroll text summary of news in Program Notes $$$$$$$
Unspecified  Contact Contributor
Feb. 24, 2006, 12:04 p.m.
Our Strategies, Our Needs: First in a series of dialogs on the relationships between people of color and our communities
F E B R U A R Y 2006 -- Week At A Glance program schedule
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Foundation/KBOO 90.7fm Portland Oregon
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file 4-version 1 below OUR STRATEGIES : OUR NEEDS 'minority community respect--not melting pot' ... subtle, nuanced, centered on a soft focus look at 'communities of color' and their interactions with each other and the mostly white-anglo overculture::::VERSION 2 below is a 1m34s excerpt from beginning of program where facilitator/anchor Eduardo Delanderos-Tierre explains program scope and terms of reference
$$$$$$$ hyperdroll text summary of news in Program Notes $$$$$$$
0224 am 'Get This' news
author: shrike
Summary of the KBOO am news for February 24th, 2006
1. Portland's S. Waterfront development looks like its heading for more than $50 million dollars in cost over-runs.
2. The Portland City Council gave the final okay to the city's $381 bmillion dollar eastside segment of the Big Pipe.
3. Pacificorp filed a request for a rate increase with the Oregon Public Utility Commission, and who could blame them, what with the cost of gas these days...
4. The Administration continues to insist that the US economy is in great shape thanks to tax cuts. Lower and middle class families are not experiencing similar financial euphoria.
5. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Oregon's ban on paying ballot initiative signature gatherers by the number of signatures they get. Seems like a no-brainer but it took some arm-twisting not to mention the use of dreadful news desk cliche`s
6. Clackamas County sheriff's deputies seized 17 of the worst case animals but there are fifty or so more abused horses on the brink of death out on South Appleman Rd at the farm (if you can call it that) of Virginia Ann Winter.
7. KBOO: Oregon's low wage workers are already struggling to make ends meet and now a new report shows Oregon has some of the highest income taxes in the nation - that's for poor people. The rich pay as little as is legally and sometimes illegally possible. Legality aside, it is the moral and ethical thing to pay one's fair share for enjoying the lion's share of one's community.
8. On the other hand, in San Francisco, a developer is building 167 low-income units (What's a "unit" anyway? Anyone out there living in a "unit"?). True the developer is getting federal money to build the housing, still, a "unit" is a "unit" and compared to the cardboard boxes inhabited by many of Portland's homeless population, not bad at all.
9. The Cheney shooting incident is still churning its way through the wire services. The inquiry into the role alcohol played is still murky. It seems - mirabile dictum! - that witnesses and key players alike have given conflicting statements.
10. Poll: people think Hilary Clinton will run for president. (In which case, I'll be ready to run from president.
11. Even the FBI is warning the Pentagon and the Administration that the "interrogations" going on at Guantanamo might be not only in violation of international law but also counter productive. (Picture this: Bush: "But it's fun! It makes great TV! Hooo-rah!")
12. A Federal judge has ordered the Pentagon to release the identies of hundreds of detainees at Guantanamo to the press. Just the identities. But it's a start.
13. Bush and Treasury Secretary John snow are struggling to explain why they didn't know until several days ago about a state-owned (Remember, and this important, the P & O company was a company. Dubai is a country. There is a big difference here as far as oversight is concerned.) Ports World deal is already done. Okay we can listen to newly-minted lobbyist Bob Dole talk about it for another 45 days. But basically the ink is dry and Michael Brown was not even in town at the time.
14. Right. So, in Britain, scientists made a genetically modified goat. The goat makes mild with an anti-coagulant (think the rat poison, Warfarin) in its milk. The European Medicines agency said the company applying for the license had failed to demonstrate the benefits of the drug outweighted the risks. (These scientists - sheer genius)
15. Lindsey Graham and Alberto Gonzales are going to save the world from terrorism by declaring that warrants will not be necessary in the brave new world of sedition. It works like this: Bush has cooked up some mysterious 'New Programs'. These involve rounding up "fifth Columnists" (These are not the Steve Duin-type columnists... ) which is to say "news informers" (That would be me, I think... )and placing them (make that "us") in these detention facilities that Halliburton's latest spin-off company is building. Take a few deep breaths. I haven't even touched upon the psyops programs. Just remember this: NEW PROGRAMS. Read all about it yourself. The story is at
I have a suggestion for all of us: The more we know, the stronger we are. Let's all share contact information: phone numbers, addresses, people to call in case of an "emergency", friends, relatives and of course, lawyers. These resources might then be deployed in the event that one of us seems to have disappeared without warning or for no apparent reason. Just a thought.
16. Philippines President Gloria Arroyo has declared a state of emergency because the army told her that it thinks it might have prevented a coup. (Isn't that like being 'a little bit pregnant'? Gloria, girlfriend; you either have a coup or you don't, know what I mean?)
17. Five Palestinians were killed yesterday and six wounded in Israel's latest assault on the West Bank. The violence centered around Nablus.
18. To no one's great surprise, the United Arab Emirates, home of Dubai Ports World (across the street from Mattress World, in case you were wondering... is connected to bin Laden and the bombing of the SS Cole.
19. In Iraq there is a day time curfew and all leave has been canceled for the police and army (who, some observers report, are enthusiastically pillaging away along side the very rioters they are supposed to be trying to control.).
20. Shell Oil has been ordered to pay the Nigerian people who live in the ecological disaster that is the Niger Delta, $1.5 billion dollars. That's a lot of money but it won't restore some heavily damaged lives. In any case, Shell Oil probably will slide right past the order (Thing about oil companies is they are, well..oily)
21. London's outspoken and generally popular mayor Ken Livingstone got his foot stuck in his mouth and now he has been suspended for 4 weeks for making off-the record anti-Semitic remarks. Great timing there Livingstone!


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06:10:14 1 Feb. 24, 2006
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06:10:14 1 Feb. 24, 2006
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06:10:14 1 Feb. 24, 2006
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excerpt from 9-10am 'Respect:NotMeltingPot' Download Program Podcast
explains why that program matters to minorities and others
00:01:34 1 Feb. 24, 2006
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06:10:14 1 Feb. 24, 2006
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06:10:14 1 Feb. 24, 2006
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06:10:14 1 Feb. 24, 2006
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06:10:14 1 Feb. 24, 2006
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