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March 9, 2006, 11:52 a.m.
audio SUMMARY morning lineup file +OnAir Community Calendar (file #2 below)
M A R C H 2006 Week At A Glance program schedule
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0309 am 'Get This' news
author: shrike
Summary of the KBOO am news for Thursday, March 9th, 2006
1. PGE is all set to demolish the 500 foot cooling tower at the Trojan Nuclear facility. And who's going to do the deed? None other than Controlled Demolition Inc. the same company that played a stellar role in the clean-up of the Twin Towers. Don't get too excited about the Trojan tower coming down: the Admin has a whole new generation of nuclear power projects heading for Oregon.
2. The Oregon DEQ has fined the company working on chemical weapons disposal at Hermiston. Yes a whopping $8,800. It will be in all likelihood reduced.
3. Federal fish managers want both sport and commercial salmon fishing from California to Oregon halted altogether. You know it's very, very serious when the federal government recognizes the crisis our rivers are in.
4. Researchers at OSU say that by mid-century snow will have vanished altogether from many of Oregon's ski areas (no fishing, no skiing, no more forests to hike - Oregon better think of something fast because tourism is about to join the other industries that could have been run in a sustainable way but were not.
5. The Portland airport was evacuated and the Portland bomb squad called in yesterday. All because a Nike executive had a golf gadget equipped with Doppler radar in his briefcase. (If that isn't "ecoterrorism", I don't know what is... )
6. Three Oregon school districts have signed on as plaintiffs in an impending lawsuit over the inadequacy of state school funding. Twenty more are considering joining them. Similar lawsuits have been filed in 37 other states.
7. Physicians' Hospital is on the verge of being kicked out of the federal Medicare program if it doesn't change the way it provides patient care (for example, having an actual physician in the hospital at all times so that if there is an emergency - as was the case with the late Mrs. Helen Wilson - the hospital won't be reduced to calling 911 for help.)
8. The Oregon Department of Human services will release its eigth annual report on the State's Death with Dignity Act. Today (or if you're ready to check out, you could simply check in to Physicians' Hospital... .).
9. The latest CNN/Gallup Poll puts Bush's (and the whole Administration, for that matter) approval rating in the low thirties.
10. FSRN: Republican controlled Senate Select Committee on Intelligence rejected democrats' request for a full investigation of the NSA spy program.
11. Despite the fact that just a few days ago things looked a bit more optimistic, the US has gone and provoked Iran. The swaggering, posturing John Bolton is going out of his way to prepare the way for war. He's going to have to act soon too: March is America's favorite time to role out a new war in the Middle East. And Iran is expected to shift its petroleum industry from the dollar to the Euro this month or next.
12. Leon County Florida election supervisor Ion Sancho is alleging 'breach of contract' after a security test revealed hackable elections are possible on Diebold systems. (Way to go, Ion! A bit late, aren't we?)
13. Bush has issued an
14. Executive Order mandating 'faith-based' programs as part of Homeland Security Department policy. That's right funded with federal money.
15. The people at Gallup have been busy this week. Here's another batch of crunchy numbers: More than half of all Americans reject evolution and only 12% believe that God had no part in the process of creation building. (Personally, I think that monkeys evolved from Creationists, not the other way around.)
16. The governor of Arizona has ordered National Guard troops to defend Arizona against Mexico.
17. In Iraq gunmen seized 50 Iraqi security workers - mostly former Baathist, if I am reading correctly between the lines. And Iraq's Shiite Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari has got his hands full herding cats.
18. Israeli acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says that by 2010 Israel will have permanent borders. The way Olmert puts it, most of the Palestinian people will be gone...
19. FSRN: Food supplies in Gaza are dwindling after the border was closed. This situation is turning into a sort of 'siege'. (see above).
20. North Korea test-fired two short-range missiles yesterday - just as a joke, I guess. North Korean humor, y'know. (John Bolton must have missed the event - too busy waggling his stumpy little sword at Iran... )


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