audio SUMMARY morning lineup file +OnAir Community Calendar (file #2 below) ... M A R C H 2006 Week At A Glance program schedule ###
When rebroadcasting or weblinking these programs using files on please include credit to PDX KBOO UNOFFICIAL ARCHIVE PROJECT ... This archive is unofficial; it is neither sponsored nor maintained by KBOO Foundation/KBOO 90.7fm Portland Oregon ... If you download or stream these archived programs more than a couple of times, Archivist asks that you think about throwing a couple of bucks a month in the direction of through that website ... Yes I know PayPay can be a nuisance. If PayPal is too much of a hassle, than maybe drop some change on KBOO next time they have a pledge drive (mar 22 - apr 11th 2006)--asking that your donation be noted as PDX KBOO UNOFFICIAL ARCHIVE PROJECT ###