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June 20, 2006, 7:24 p.m.
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JUNE 2006 KBOO Week At A Week At A Glance
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[!] CRIME PAYS parts 1 and 2, 10-11am and 6-7pm
Blume speaking Portland Wed Eve Jun 21st
"from the horse's mouth" kboo amNEWS today
0620 am 'Get This' news
author: Other Sources
Summary of the KBOO am news for Tuesday, June 20th, 2006.
1. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has formally accepted Northern Star Natural Gas's application to build an LNG facility near Astoria. Residents aren't happy at all. Lack of transparency in the process made it even more difficult to be properly enraged.
2. On the other hand, Georgia-Pacific got a pat on the head for rare and marginal compliance with regulations which really ought to be simple common sense.
3. The Senate unanimously approved a bill to revamp management of the nation's fisheries and strengthen protections against overfishing and dwindling stocks. (sort of like closing the barn door after the fish is gone... )
4. Oregon Hispanic advocates are joining forces with national Forces That Be to register a million new voters.
5. Oregon - not taking chances! - is going to test wild birds for bird flu.
6. Tom Eyman's anti-gay initiative crashed and burned but the gleam has not faded from the old bigot's eye.
7. A fort Lewis soldier got caught with his pants down. He made an internet date with what he thought was a 13 year-old girl. (See this is what can happen when you date cops... )
8. A bear ate a Vancouver woman's porridge.
9. Wetlands in Limbo: The Supreme Court has ruled that the government can block development on hundreds of millions of acres of wetland (Unless, of course, the developer is a personal friend of the developer. That's different..)
10. The Senate is going to debate the debacle that is Iraq. So families will have to be told 'I'm sorry, but your son/daughter died in Committee'???
11. Lawmakers reached a "compromise"on off-shore oil drilling. The "compromise"? They are going to do it.
12. The Supreme Court decided that 911 phone calls can be used as evidence - a disembodied witness, if you will - in a jury trial. Say for example, your partner has a gun to your head, you call, they record it and then it can be used at your partner's trial in the unlikely event that you survive the attack.
13. Insurance companies (Who are supposed to be in the business of carefully considering bad futures of all kinds) finally noticed that global warming is going be bad for business.
14. Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanko is sending the National Guard to New Oreleans after six people were killed. And it's only June. Well, this is what happens when marginalized, impoverished traumatized ... wait, that's's Iraq... .people are given nothing and no place to go.
15. A "shadow government" of contractors is in far better shape than the actual objective government casting the shadow. Specifically, Halliburton's (war) profits are up 600 percent.
16. As if rising sea levels, melting permafrost and meth addiction were not bad enough, now it the National Guard. For the first time since WWII, Guard Reservists from northern Alaskan villages are being sent to Iraq. The resulting social and cultural vacuum is destroying an already fragile way of life.
17. South Dakota voters are going to be the 'Deciders' as far as abortion is concerned.
18. North Korea was going to test fire its very own ICBM but from the looks of the satellite photos, they ran out of gas. (By the time you read this, Seattle may have been vaporized ... )
19. But is Bush interested in "nucular" annihilation? Not much. 'Specially Seattle... too liberal, too close to Canada. But Iran! Now there's a target he could really cozy up to.
20. They found the bodies of the two Marines who went missing last Friday. Thousands upon thousands of bodies of Iraqis have been found over these past black year of pillage. But you hear their names tearfully invoked on the right-wing chat shows...
21. Japan's had it up to here: Koizumi is pulling all 600 of his troops out. They were only in non-combat roles and not one killed or was killed.
22. The Army has charged three soldiers in connection with the deaths of three Iraqis who were in "military custody" in Northern Iraq last month.
23. An EU envoy is suggesting that Palestinians could begin to receive direct emergency aid by the beginning of July (which would not be necessary if the US and Israel would allow the Palestinian people to go about living their own lives on their own land... )
24. The World Urban Forum is meeting in Vancouver to discuss what to do about the vast slums that are coalescing around the world's cities as a result of the blessings of globalization.
25. An ambitious project to safeguard future food supplies in the event of nuclear holocaust (which will come as a huge surprise to the insurance companies... ) after the world's top two crazy-n do battle in the mirror. There will be plenty of seeds for the intelligent rats and cockroaches to picnic on a thousand years from today.
26. Afghanistan's intelligence services (See the old guy leading a donkey carrying baskets of turnips? Down there next to the bomb crater... .the guy that keeps staring this way? That the them.) The American intelligence services on the other hand want the country to be as repressive toward the media as the good 'ol UsofA... And they are shutting down the free press in Afghanistan.
Other Sources

locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:11:14 1 June 20, 2006
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:11:14 1 June 20, 2006
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 00:01:59  24Kbps mp3
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:11:14 1 June 20, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:30:37  24Kbps mp3
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:11:14 1 June 20, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:27:45  24Kbps mp3
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:11:14 1 June 20, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:28:22  24Kbps mp3
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:11:14 1 June 20, 2006
portland oregon
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:11:14 1 June 20, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:12:44  24Kbps mp3
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
03:27:13 1 June 20, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:27:53  48Kbps mp3
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
03:27:13 1 June 20, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:09:59  48Kbps mp3
(24.03MB) Stereo
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
03:27:13 1 June 20, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:49:21  48Kbps mp3
(16.94MB) Stereo
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:11:14 1 June 20, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:00:41  24Kbps mp3
(10.42MB) Mono
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:11:14 1 June 20, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:00:34  24Kbps mp3
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~ En Espanol ~ Spanish language broadcast/s Download Program Podcast
02:41:50 64 June 20, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:27:24  32Kbps mp3
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~ En Espanol ~ Spanish language broadcast/s Download Program Podcast
02:41:50 64 June 20, 2006
portland oregon
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