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June 22, 2006, 8:08 a.m.
CATALOG pdx kboo unofficial archive project
JUNE 2006 KBOO Week At A Week At A Glance
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0622 am 'Get This' news
author: Other Sources
Summary of the KBOO am news for Thursday, June 22nd, 2006.
1. The Mike's Gulch timber sale got the nod from a judge in Medford. Logging could begin on Monday, unless... ... but you probably have other plans for the weekend... ..The sale opens the floodgates for logging in roadless areas.
2. A California company - Arno Political Consultants - is on notice that it may have violated Oregon's laws regulating signature gatherers. Arno pays an hourly wage plus bonuses but these appear to be directly linked to the number of names gathered - therein lies the rub.
3. The Administration wants to "rework" (meaning "dismantle") the Dept. of Energy agency that oversees nuclear and worker safety. Washing's Chris Gregoire and New Mexico's Bill Richardson (a former Energy Sec.) sent a letter to current Energy Secretary Sam Bodman asking him not to do it. (Those Democrats! Heavy-hitters, one and all... )
4. Kitzhaber is backing the HOPE initiative that would guarantee healthcare for all Oregonians (Hey, wait a minute, didn't Oregon have healthcare for all under Kitzhaber?)
5. At least the Bush Administration is keeping Federal lawyers busy and off the streets. Facing more than 24 legal skirmishes, they asked the judicial panel on multi-district litigation to consolidate the cases before a DC judge. Two of the NSA spy cases are from Oregon. Convenient for them and cheap, too! They could have held the hearings in Scotland...
6. The Northwest Environmental Defense Center says logging roads are funneling polluted water straight into salmon streams. And they are putting some muscle behind their words. The Center put four timber companies on notice that if they don't clean up their acts, that large object just up-stream? That would be a lawsuit... .
7. Seven Marines, one sailor and an unarmed Iraqi civilian walk into a bar... .only the Marines and the sailor walk out... .barkeep notes, 'War is Murder.'
8. Florida - again: When Federal agents went to a women's prison in Tallahassee to arrest a guard and five accomplices, the guard opened fire (It is illegal to carry weapons on Federal property) . The gun-toting guard and one of the Feds were killed. The inmates went back to watching TV.
9. The House Judiciary Committee unexpectedly passed a Democratic resolution yesterday (They must have been trashed and thought they were voting to invade Venezuela) The resolution calls on the Justice Dept. to turn over all requests made by the NSA and other federal agencies to telecoms to obtain information without warrants.
10. The Senate defeated a Democratic proposal to raise the minimum wage.
11. A federal judge ordered prosecutors to turn over more evidence to back up allegations that Jose Padilla and two co-defendants conspired to kill, injure or kidnap people in other countries as part of a "Global Islamic Terrorist Network." As opposed to what? a Christian or Jewish Terrorist Network? The Fox Network? What 'Network'??????
12. Bush warned Iran and North Korea not to test his patience (or his knowledge of history and geopolitics, either... )
13. The US is pulling military equipment out of Iraq suggesting that the US military is rebuilding itself for future conflicts (and leaving the Iraqis to sort out their differences with Chinese armaments)
14. President Bush says he would simply love to end the torture and shut down Gitmo, but he has been busy cheering up the Hungarians and preparing to invade South America. Bush called some of America's 'Guest Prisoners' "blood-thirsty murderers" (Not to be confused with American soldiers who are merely "oil-thirsty murderers... .)
15. Bush's demand for line-items veto power (And why not, indeed; the American people have already surrendered absolute power to George... what difference does it make?) to control deficit spending (Oh, now I get it; Bush is the only thing that stands between the Legislative Branch and the burning of money to heat Head Start facilities, or maybe cook lunch... ) may get the old 'fuck you' veto from the House .
16. Dept. of Hearts and Minds: At news conference in Vienna yesterday, Bush told European reporters that polls indicating that Europeans thought the US was a bigger threat to world security than Iran, were "absurd." (and he should know... )
17. A hotel was evacuated because the bartender mistook a Pabst Blue Ribbon sign for a terrorist attack.
18. Evo Morales thinks that the US is covertly sending troops into Bolivia disguised as students and tourists. (Evo, when the US starts invading Bolivia, there will be absolutely nothing subtle, or covert about it. Just ask any Iraqi... )
19. Cuba jailed a top member of the communist party for corruption. (In sharp contrast to America's methods of dealing with top capitalist leaders convicted of corruption... )
20. Hamas says it agrees to recognize Israel's right to exist (Just not its right to murder Palestinians... )
21. And Israel says it is sorry for murdering Palestinians.
22. Wal-Mart employees in Britain are set to strike over their right to form a union. See how that works?
23. The Australian News Service reports that things have got so bad in Iraq that Iraqis are thinking of asking the Americans to leave. (Americans are apparently a bit slow on the up-take)
24. Security staff guarding Australian diplomats mistakenly shot dead the bodyguard of the Iraqi Trade Minister - nothing diplomatic about that.
25. Gunmen kidnapped 85 workers as they left the factory where they worked in an industrial park north of Baghdad as they were boarding buses to go home.
26. China has called this 'The Year of Africa' and they are celebrating by launching yet another diplomatic push into Africa, scooping up natural resources of all sorts along the way. (Bush: "The Horror... The Horror... ")
27. Somalia's three top leaders are off to Sudan for peace talks with the Islamic group which currently controls Moghadishu - but by the time you read this, the situation may have changed.
28. Sixty-seven national science academies from around the world are calling for schools to teach "evidence-based" evolution.

Other Sources

locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
05:21:54 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:28:32  24Kbps mp3
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
05:21:54 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:04:45  24Kbps mp3
(834.11KB) Mono
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
05:21:54 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:31:25  24Kbps mp3
(5.38MB) Mono
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
05:21:54 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:28:01  24Kbps mp3
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
05:21:54 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:29:09  24Kbps mp3
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
05:21:54 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:28:55  24Kbps mp3
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
05:21:54 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:30:22  24Kbps mp3
(5.21MB) Mono
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
05:21:54 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:13:49  24Kbps mp3
(2.37MB) Mono
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
09:43:19 1 June 22, 2006
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 01:28:20  48Kbps mp3
(30.33MB) Stereo
317 Download File...
RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
09:43:19 1 June 22, 2006
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 01:28:34  24Kbps mp3
(30.41MB) Stereo
320 Download File...
RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
09:43:19 1 June 22, 2006
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 01:30:30  48Kbps mp3
(31.07MB) Stereo
328 Download File...
RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
09:43:19 1 June 22, 2006
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 01:54:33  48Kbps mp3
(39.33MB) Stereo
319 Download File...
locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
05:21:54 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:53:58  24Kbps mp3
(9.22MB) Mono
328 Download File...
RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
09:43:19 1 June 22, 2006
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 00:21:18  48Kbps mp3
(7.31MB) Stereo
338 Download File...
RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
09:43:19 1 June 22, 2006
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 00:10:14  48Kbps mp3
(3.51MB) Stereo
309 Download File...
RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
09:43:19 1 June 22, 2006
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 01:20:54  48Kbps mp3
(27.78MB) Stereo
340 Download File...
RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
09:43:19 1 June 22, 2006
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 01:28:56  48Kbps mp3
(40.83MB) Stereo
320 Download File...
locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
05:21:54 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon
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10   00:09:06  24Kbps mp3
(1.54MB) Mono
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
05:21:54 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon
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11   01:03:52  24Kbps mp3
(10.91MB) Mono
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THURSDAY OVERNIGHT Summer Solstice Sendoff Download Program Podcast
"decadence ... physical linguistic and psycho" --attr Jennifer Robyn
02:30:07 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon (broadcast day starts 5:30am)
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 01:01:33  48Kbps mp3
(21.13MB) Stereo
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THURSDAY OVERNIGHT Summer Solstice Sendoff Download Program Podcast
"decadence ... physical linguistic and psycho" --attr Jennifer Robyn
02:30:07 1 June 22, 2006
portland oregon (broadcast day starts 5:30am)
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 01:28:34  48Kbps mp3
(40.71MB) Stereo
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