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+ Version 2 : RadioDay - multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
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June 23, 2006, 8:07 a.m.
CATALOG pdx kboo unofficial archive project
JUNE 2006 KBOO Week At A Week At A Glance
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[!] Barbara Bernstein brings you this lecture by Michael Pollan, whose latest book is the The Ominvore's Dilemma:A Natural History of Four Meals. He discusses how the indusrial food chain that feeds most of America and the heavily-subsidized corn industry which fuels this food chain are responsible for the current public health crisis of obesity and diabetes as well as the displacement of corn farmers in Latin America. (9 AM)
[!] Bread and Roses Host Leigh Anne Kranz welcomes indigenous women at the forefront of the struggle against Genocide. Carrie Dann, Executive Director of the Western Shoshone Defense Project, protests the planned detonation of a 700-ton bomb. (6 PM)
[!] Randomonium : The GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Fathers Day special (11 PM)
[!] Every Friday midnight Kitchen Sink: THE OUTSIDE WORLD, Daniel Flessa's mind twerping menagerie including ... well anyway ...
and finally
0623 am 'Get This' news
author: Other Sources
Summary of the KBOO am news for Friday, June 23rd, 2006.

1. The Justice Dept. claims "State Secrets" would be revealed if a federal judge in Oregon doesn't dismiss the al-Haramainn Islamic Foundation's lawsuit challenging an NSA warrantless wiretap program. Of course the Islamic Center has fallen under the terrible, swift sword of the American justice system... .
2. Now that environmental activists and lawyers have done the heavy lifting, Ted Kulongoski is stepping onto the battlefield waving a petition at the Bush Administration in a belated attempt to stop logging in roadless areas.
3. Residents, police and activists gathered at Portland Indymedia to talk about racial profiling. Some of the stories participants shared would be comical were it not for the viciousness and bigotry they reveal.
4. Ted Wheeler is the Man who might save SUN. The city Commissioners are set to cut the budget for Students Uniting Neighborhoods, a healthcare, academic and mentoring program hat ahs been wildly successful and popular. (If the program gets cut, taxpayers will get another shot at changing the direction of some of the lives affected by the cuts - when a sizeable part of the population winds up incarcerated.
5. The Dept. of Justice Civil Rights division launched a 'surprise' investigation into Oregon State Hospital. (Shopping for a place to lock up all the people the NSA rounds up after the stolen 08 election?)
6. Two fellows from Salem want to use tidal motion to generate energy. Unlike wave machines that most research focuses on, this gadget won't bother, fish, fishermen or commercial shipping.
7. After capitalizing on the May 2nd photo-op celebrating 25 years of the Voting Rights Act, GOP members of the House of Representatives voted not to renew the historic legislation guaranteeing voting rights for Blacks and other minorities. Even Dennis Hastert didn't see that one coming.
8. The supreme Court ruled 9-0 in favor of workers who have been retaliated against in various and not-so-subtle ways by employers who are hacked-off by employees demanding to be treated with basic human dignity.
9. In Miami the FBI managed to stop a bunch of kids from blowing up the Sears Tower in Chicago. These young men had no guns, bombs of explosives. When asked what they were doing hanging around together, they said 'reading the Bible.' This ought to be some investigation... .
10. Follow The Money: Know what 'SWIFT' stands for? Me neither. Until today. SWIFT is the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications. The Bush Administration has been secretly tracking people suspected of bankrolling terrorism using this program that gives the government access to a massive data base of international financial transactions. (So don't even think of giving money to charities for the purpose of relieving the suffering of the Palestinians; you'll end up like the al-Haramain Islamic Center... .)
11. The Supreme court has deported a Mexican national who has lived in the US for 20 years, is married to an American, has started his own company... but, hey, The Law is the Law, right?
12. A Sioux tribal leader and stand-up whistle-blower kind of a guy, in his role as overseer of t he Bush Administration's Indian Gaming money machine says he was unprepared for "the raw political opportunism". (and that's just for starters: wait 'til he sees the 08 election... ..)
13. Editor & Publisher points out that no matter what congress, the President and the Media say, polls show unequivocally that most Americans are finally waking up to the reality of gratuitous carnage they have tacitly supported lo these 6 years...
14. To wit: Republican Congress members are claiming to at last found WMDs in Iraq. Researcher Jonathan Tucker points out that published the discovery of a significant number of chemical weapons shells in Washington DC.
15. So the chemical weapons Iraq is alleged to have harbored? Maybe/maybe not. Either way, they arrived in Iraq long ago from, oh, go ahead... .take a guess. And they are way over their expiration dates.
16. It has been a long, brutal, bloody week in Iraq. In Mosul at least 25 bodies of people killed 'execution-style'. Five Americans were killed... it goes on and on.
17. The Iraqi government obviously knows something that the Americans don't: it has declared a state of emergency and imposed an alarmingly strict curfew. (But why go out anyway? There's no water, electricity and very little food... )
18. "Coalition forces are pulling out of the relatively peaceful southern Iraqi province of Muthanna." What this means Britain has declared victory and is now going to leave.
19. Congress is holding "secret" meetings on Iran. Senate Democrats introduced The Iran Intelligence Oversight Act to counterbalance the information shroud of secrecy the Hawk Shop has draped over the debate.
20. Not that Iran gives a rip what they do. Their chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani says what everyone else has merely been thinking: The nuclear issue is just a pretext. If it was not the nuclear matter, they would have come up with something else." Thank you, Mr. Larijani... .
21. In Afghanistan all-out war is waiting in the wings, but not for long Ayman al-Zawahiri is calling on Afghans to overthrow the infidel (and you know who you are) invaders.
22. Even Western stooge Hamid Karzai is making tiny squeaky critical remarks regarding all the foreign 'help' he has been getting.
23. Bolivia is being over-run by Cuban doctors.
24. Venezuela says it would not be disruptive if appointed to the UN Security Council. (As if "disruptive" means anything at the UN with John Bolton swashbuckling his way back to the Dark Ages
25. Iran wants to hook up with Venezuela (Let's see, how many by-pass surgeries has Dick Cheney had... ?)
26. And Army Lieutenant Ehren Watada was asked again and for the last ime if he would go to Iraq. "LetmethinkaboutitNO", said Watada. He maintains that he is not a conscientious objector, but a law-abiding soldier who won't fight an illegal war. Now that takes courage...

Other Sources

locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:12:46 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:28:48  24Kbps mp3
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:12:46 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:04:33  24Kbps mp3
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:12:46 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:26:45  24Kbps mp3
(14.89MB) Mono
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
08:19:16 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:29:14  48Kbps mp3
(30.64MB) Stereo
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:12:46 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:05:08  24Kbps mp3
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:12:46 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:23:31  24Kbps mp3
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:12:46 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:30:50  24Kbps mp3
(5.29MB) Mono
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:12:46 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:14:22  24Kbps mp3
(2.47MB) Mono
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
08:19:16 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:22:03  48Kbps mp3
(28.17MB) Mono
349 Download File...
RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
08:19:16 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:26:19  48Kbps mp3
(29.63MB) Mono
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
08:19:16 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:05:54  24Kbps mp3
(1.01MB) Mono
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
08:19:16 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:55:39  24Kbps mp3
(9.55MB) Mono
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
08:19:16 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:58:02  24Kbps mp3
(9.96MB) Mono
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:12:46 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:00:39  24Kbps mp3
(10.41MB) Mono
344 Download File...
locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:12:46 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:58:10  24Kbps mp3
(10.01MB) Mono
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
08:19:16 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:00:19  48Kbps mp3
(20.71MB) Stereo
345 Download File...
RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
08:19:16 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:01:46  48Kbps mp3
(21.21MB) Stereo
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FRIDAY OVERNIGHT passage to weekend ... Download Program Podcast
... go with it ...
04:57:31 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon (end of weekday service)
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 01:00:00  48Kbps mp3
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FRIDAY OVERNIGHT passage to weekend ... Download Program Podcast
... go with it ...
04:57:31 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon (end of weekday service)
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 01:00:30  48Kbps mp3
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FRIDAY OVERNIGHT passage to weekend ... Download Program Podcast
... go with it ...
04:57:31 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon (end of weekday service)
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 01:56:08  48Kbps mp3
(39.87MB) Stereo
356 Download File...
FRIDAY OVERNIGHT passage to weekend ... Download Program Podcast
... go with it ...
04:57:31 1 June 23, 2006
portland oregon (end of weekday service)
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 01:00:53  48Kbps mp3
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