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June 28, 2006, 3:30 p.m.
CATALOG pdx kboo unofficial archive project
JUNE 2006 KBOO Week At A Week At A Glance
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Wednesday, June 28
0628 am 'Get This' news
author: Other Sources
Summary of the KBOO am news for Wednesday, June 28th, 2006
1. Got an opinion about urban development, farming, wildlife - anything related to Oregon's land, you've got until Monday, July 10th. The website is:
2. Nanobabies! Oregon babies are getting smaller. Lower birth weight is associated with lack of prenatal care and poor - or non-existent - nutrition. This are fixable factors unlike many other things in life... .all it takes is the political will to behave like human grown-ups...
3. A developer from Portland wants to drill geothermal energy test wells, expand a mining operation and build 100 vacation homes - all well and good if he does this in Portland. But he wants to do it inside the Newberry National Volcanic Monument. If he can't, then he wants Deschutes County to cough up $200 million in hissy-fit money. Thank you, Measure 37...
4. The Supreme court is considering whether to overturn a Portland's jury's verdict that the Weyerhauser company had established an illegal monopoly. Good bye Sherman Antitrust Act...
5. California lawmakers rejected a Death with Dignity bill. (Why is the USofA so enamored of every sort of death except the kind with quiet dignity? Why does it always have to be strange, bloody, painful, meaningless and terrifying?)
6. Student loans interest rates are going up by a whopping 2 percent. Graduates and undergraduates have until Saturday to refinance. But they're smart; they'll figure it out.
7. Sponsors of a 2002 initiative filed a complaint with the State Election Division alleging that eight of this year's initiative campaigns are violating the ban on paying signature gatherers by the signature instead of by the hour.
8. At the moment, there are 32 large fires burning in eight Western states, including Nevada. "Embedded" reporters say the Moonlight Bunny Ranch has remained open.
9. The Senate rejected the Flag Desecration Amendment; the flag debate had successfully served its purpose by distracting the American public from the very serious legislation that is casting long shadows across the land.
10. Such as the report released that says there is no foolproof way to secure America's seaports against terrorists and that instead of addressing the problem, the government should focus more time and money on plans to revive the economy in the aftermath of an attack - news you need to know!
11. Residents of four public housing complexes in New Orleans are suing to get back into their apartments. Yes, people... .it's come to this... .in New Orleans you have to sue to get back into your place (But that's only if you are poor and/or black).
12. There was a rally for Ehren Watada the refusnik who won't fight in an illegal war. Watada isn't against war per se; just brutal illegal unprovoked war.
13. The UN says that some 150 thousand Iraqis have been displaced by recent American atrocities in Iraq (I say it's much, much more ... .). All told, 1.3 million people are homeless, sick and destitute. Not bad, for an only recently anointed "War President"
14. American occupying forces are going door to door in Ramadi - see the above item.
15. The Prosecutor in the first federal US trial over the UN oil-for-food program says he's got evidence showing Tongsun Park in the company of cash-stuffed envelopes, intrigue and back-channel chicanery. Park's lawyer says his slimeball fallguy client was just "a middleman or facilitator, like almost anybody else involved in the giant international game of oil and money" Ah, the old But Everybody Does It Defense!
16. A behind the scenes battle is on between the State Department and the Defense Department over whether a key section of the Geneva Conventions should be included in new rules governing Army interrogation techniques - ah, in other words torture.
17. A Congressional panel has backed a misguided, wrongheaded fuckwit plan to share civilian nuclear technology with India. Even though India is not signatory to the Nonproliferation treaty, even though Muslim Pakistan is the number one object of Indian wrath, even though this will further enrage Muslims everywhere, even though... ..(Look, this all about Business; American contractors can already taste the money... )
18. Somalia's Islamist militia has taken control of a key road junction south of their Moghadishu stronghold despite last week's ceasefire. (Easy come, easy go... )
19. Two Nigerian journalists have denied charges of sedition linked to a story about a new presidential aircraft.
20. Peru's Congress overwhelmingly voted to ratify a free trade pact with the Devil... .whoa! I mean the United states... following a long debate interrupted by a group of nationalist lawmakers who had the backbone to oppose their bought and paid for co-lawmakers.
21. And South of the Border, Down Mexico Way, populist candidate Lopez Obrador has a slight lead in the presidential election fiesta. Go, Obrador!

Other Sources
Locus Focus Talk Radio � Host Barbara Bernstein examines Portland's dissapearing streams and waterways. (7:30 AM)
Movie Talk with Ed, D.K. and Dawn (9:00 AM)
Jazz all Afternnon. (Noon)
KBOO EVENING NEWS � Locally produced news you won't hear on the mainstream media. Tune in to hear Local, State and National News on your community radio station.(5 PM)
KBOO Youth Collective, The Underground � KBOO's only public affairs show exclusively produced by those under 21. (6 PM)
Non-Stop Hip Hop with DJ Audio (7 PM)
Drinking from Puddles Host Brandon Lieberman, he's a little bit country, he's a little bit rock and roll, and punk, and....Eclectic music programming. (9 PM)
Life During Wartime � LIVE MUSIC in studio from female fronted melodic punk rockers IMPERIAL LEATHER, come all the way from Sweden to play live on KBOO. (11 PM)

locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
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06:02:25 1 June 28, 2006
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:02:25 1 June 28, 2006
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:02:25 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
10:44:57 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
10:44:57 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:02:25 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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 00:00:26  24Kbps mp3
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
10:44:57 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
10:44:57 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
10:44:57 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:02:25 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:02:25 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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11   00:07:43  24Kbps mp3
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
10:44:57 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
10:44:57 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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locally produced NEWS and PUBLIC AFFAIRS (+specials) 7-11am and 5-7pm Download Program Podcast
11am-noon DEMOCRACY NOW!
06:02:25 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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12   01:00:18  24Kbps mp3
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
10:44:57 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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 01:59:35  48Kbps mp3
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RadioDay crosscultural programming Download Program Podcast
multi language music spoken art issues audio environments
10:44:57 1 June 28, 2006
portland oregon
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