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Program Information
Steppin' Out of Babylon
Wayne Madsen
 Sue Supriano  Contact Contributor
Feb. 18, 2007, 8:32 p.m.
Wayne discusses what the New World Order means and the long term commitment the Bushes have had to this goal of a one world government starting with Prescott Bush who was involved in business dealings with the Nazis.
Sue Supriano's Steppin' Out of Babylon is a radio interview series covering a broad range of important issues in today's world: peace and war, human and civil rights, communication, the media, the environment, food security, racism, globalization, immigration and matters of the spirit.

Wayne Madsen, of, is a courageous investigative journalist and syndicated columnist whose articles have appeared in publications such as In These Times, The Miami Herald, and the Village Voice. Madsen has appeared on 20/20, 60 Minutes and Nightline. He is the author of Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999 and the Handbook of Personal Data Protection. He was a former Officer in the US Navy. He writes from Washington, DC-"inside the Beltline". In this interview he focuses on his most recent book, Jaded Tasks-Brass Plates, Black Ops, & Big Oil: The Blood Politics of George Bush & Co. Because of his background he has a lot of contact with "insiders" who give him information which he's willing to share with us. Just some of the topics he talks about are: Fundamentalist Christians, the deaths of a list of men who disagreed with the Bush administration and who, though they supposedly died in plane accidents or by suicide, Madsen, along with others, thinks were murdered.

He discusses what the New World Order means and the long term commitment the Bushes have had to this goal of aone world government starting with Prescott Bush who was involved in business dealings with the Nazis. It is apparent that presently the US Government is subservient to the big corporations and that this was brought about by international agreements (some of them secret) such as the WTO (World Trade Organization, NAFTA (North American Free Trade Association), etc.. The Bushes are true globalists and come from an ultra- capitalist point of view and don't care what happens to the US, says Madsen. He warns us to look closely at the new UN Secretary General about whom we know little and thinks that he MAY be associated with Sun Myung Moon's church. Rev. Moon was an early anti-communist and associated with Nazi's in Germany and he wants a one world government.

Wayne Madsen, of, is a courageous investigative journalist and syndicated columnist whose articles have appeared in publications such as In These Times, The Miami Herald, and the Village Voice. Madsen has appeared on 20/20, 60 Minutes and Nightline. He is the author of Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999 and the Handbook of Personal Data Protection. He was a former Officer in the US Navy. He writes from Washington, DC-"inside the Beltline". In this interview Madsen speaks about the extensiveness of pedophelia in the church and among politicians. In the Navy he was involved in prosecuting someone but it was covered up. It has been and continues to be an on-going problem for the Republican Party though and there have been many scandals. Now we have Mark Foley misusing his office and soliciting under age pages while hiding behind his cause of lost children. This scandal which includes the Speaker of House and other top Republican Staff officials and Senior Staff members in the Republican Party Scandal is not over and is going to continue into the Office of RNC Chairman and into the White House itself and into some of the offices of top advisors of Pres. Bush.

Madsen mentions that there are many "conspiracies" and that, like the US Government gets the Mafia for "conspiracy", we should be able to get the government for "criminal conspiracy", including murder. It is said that the Republicans are in such control that the Democrats in Congress don't even know where the committee meetings are being held and decisions are being made. Madsen cites an example of Democrats making a caucus and the Sargeant of Arms calling police to break up the meeting and threaten to arrest them. The records will show shocking things about how Congress has been eroding our rights rather than protecting them. He points out that the Patriot Act which was pushed through Congress right after 911 is very similar to the Enabling Act invoked in Germany after the Reichstag Fire which was set by the German government and was the beginning of WWII. It takes away our rights as does even more the Military Commissions Act which takes away even our right of habeus corpus which we've had since 1215 under Magna Carta and is as basic a right as there is. Madsen thinks that the present US Government has gone even farther than Hitler in that it invokes the divine right of kings. Bush can declare anyone in world an enemy combatant and call them before a military commission and have them executed like in Nazi Germany. There are attempts to Since the media is so key in creating what people think it is most important that we are using the independent media-- radio, community television, films, podcasting, the Internet, DVD circulation, the underground press, etc. which "we, the people" control and it's difficult for the state to stop. We can educate people until they see that the "US Government has no clothes".


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