BBC2: Adam Curtis continues his series of films explaining the origins of our contemporary, narrow and limited idea of freedom.
Excerpts from:
ÃÆâïÿýïÿýThe Trap: What Happened To Our Dream of Freedom?ÃÆâïÿýïÿý is a three-part series of films written and directed by BAFTA-winning producer Adam Curtis, explaining the origins of our contemporary, narrow idea of freedom. Adam Curtis continues his series of films explaining the origins of our contemporary, narrow and limited idea of freedom.
This episode tells the story of how, in the 1990s, politicians from both right and left tried to apply an idea of freedom modelled on the freedom of the market to all other areas of society.
Behind it was a scientific model of ourselves as simplified robots, rational calculating beings whose behaviour and even feelings could be predicted by numbers. Out of this came todayÃÆâïÿýïÿýs systems of management - from performance targets to the new categories of mental disorder, and reading the genetic codes buried inside us.
Part 1 & 2 are available here: