I think it is fair to say, Bush and his perverse historical rhetoric in reference to Vietnam blew up in his face. Trevor Moore from WKUK offers a public service announcement on what not to say about the President of the United States. And tonight 300 or
Wing, Angry Kitty, Trevor Moore from WKUK, 300 Mexicans spoof, US soldiers in Afghanistan, Bill Moyers, Twilight Zone theme music, Rogue Sounds, Ground Zero, Dept. Of Corrections & Queen, Dave Soldier & Kurt Vonnegut, Roger Waters, Allen Ginsberg
Mindwalk 61: El Derecho de Vivir En Paz
Mindwalk may or may-not contain EXPLICIT LANGUAGE. Licensed broadcasters should air during SAFE HARBOR.
I think it is fair to say, Bush and his perverse historical rhetoric in reference to Vietnam blew up in his face. Trevor Moore from WKUK offers a public service announcement on what not to say about the President of the United States. And tonight 300 or more Mexicans will dine in San Diego! Bill Moyers comments on the media and Karl Rove. Rogue Sounds truthful translation on torture via Condie Rice. Ground Zero's rendition of Victor Jara's Vietnam War Protest Song and this weeks program title "El Derecho de Vivir En Paz". Victor incidentally was tortured and disappeared in the Chilean coup sponsored by the USA back in the 70's. Department of Corrections, Kurt Vonnegut, Roger Waters & Allen Ginsberg makes a show.
TRT 29:30 Stereo 128/44 27meg mp3
Credits: Wing, Angry Kitty, Trevor Moore from WKUK, 300 Mexicans spoof, US soldiers in Afghanistan, Bill Moyers, Twilight Zone theme music, Rogue Sounds, Ground Zero, Dept. Of Corrections & Queen, Dave Soldier & Kurt Vonnegut, Roger Waters, Allen Ginsberg