guests from across canada voice their perspectives on how they see the police interacting with poor people in their communities.
charlieo, fiona, ckut news,
POLICING POVERTY - hour 11 of the 5th annual homelessness marathon, broadcast live from the corner of st. laurent and ontario, outside of the native friendship centre montreal. Fiona and I co-hosted the discussion with five guests: Rod Graham, editor of Streetsheet Canada in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Phil Lyons, with the Coalition to stop Homelessness in Victoria, B.C., Francois, a member of the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality in Montreal, Sini'nini, an Ojibay stone sculptor from Ontario with some experience living on the streets of Montreal, and Jade, another Ojibway who is currently living on the streets of Montreal, and getting by with pan-handling and occasional sex work.