The unexpurgated edition, in which WBAI gives its spin on the non-return of Democracy Now! to the WBAI airwaves.
Producer: Paul DeRienzo Uploaded by:
Acting Station Manager Robert Daughtry puts his spin on why WBAI did not carry Democracy Now!, calling it "an attack on WBAI and an attack on Pacifica", and in an interview, Interim Board Chair Leslie Cagan explains that the mandate of the Board about the return of Democracy Now! was very clear. Bernard White also criticizes WBAI for not running Democracy Now! and says that the "fired and banned will eventually be returned to WBAI". Includes the voice of Michael Moore as he calls the station from Democracy Now! to ask why it's not being aired, and gets to talk to Public Affairs Director Diabel Faye.
Daughtry also expresses concern over the departure from the way Pacifica has traditionally run its stations, based on Cagan's statement that she sees the Board "playing a role in programming and other local decisions".