Dr. James Brophy is an epidemiologist who studies occupational causes of cancer. He has gathered occupational histories for patients diagnosed with cancer at the Windsor Cancer Center, located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. The research Dr. Brophy conducts has elucidated an association between farm work and breast cancer. Many women start working on the farm as children. Exposure to pesticides during critical windows of development, leads to interference with development that may predispose the individual to increased breast cancer susceptibility. Thus, when young girls are exposed to pesticides, many of which are endocrine disruptors, changes can occur that increase cancer risk.
Anyone interested in seeking to understand the causes of cancer in their community should listen to what Dr. Brophy has to say about his work to prevent cancer in one of the industrial centers of Canada. You can find more about Dr. Brophyâs research by visiting the Toxic Free Canada website. Dr. Brophy can be reached at: jimbrophy@yahoo.com.