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Program Information
Labor Express Radio
 Jerry Mead-Lucero - Labor Express Radio  Contact Contributor
Jan. 31, 2011, 8:30 p.m.
This is the full 1-31-11 episode of the Labor Express Radio program.

What an exciting few weeks for people who believe in democracy everywhere. First on January 14th comes the news that the people of Tunisia, through massive, peaceful, street protests have forced their dictator Ben Ali to flee the country. And than, starting last Tuesday, the people of Egypt toke to the streets - first in the hundreds of thousands, and than in the millions - to demand an end to 30 years of authoritarian rule by Hosni Mubarak. Meanwhile, protests broke out in Yemen, Jordan and other places in the region. After a half century of authoritarian rule, mostly by regimes supported by the U.S. government, the people of the Middle East are crying, as they say in Latin America, Ya Basta - Enough!

I had planned to focus today’s episode of Labor Express radio on coverage of the upcoming municipal elections in Chicago. And as promised, we will address the elections later in the program. But first we are going to devote a considerable portion of today’s program to audio from a rally held Saturday on Michigan avenue in downtown Chicago to demonstrate solidarity with the Egyptian people in their struggle for freedom.

We will also have audio from last Tuesday’s rally outside the federal building to protest the FBI’s intimidation of anti-war, Palestinian solidarity and labor activists.

Labor Express Radio is Chicago's only English language labor news and current affairs radio program. News for working people, by working people. Labor Express Radio airs every Monday morning at 10:00 AM on Chicago's Sound Alliance, WLUW, 88.7 FM. For more information, see our website at:
and our homepage on at:
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