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Program Information
Off The Hour / En Profondeur Podcast
MayDay protest was declared illegal by SPVM using municipal bylaw P-6 to detain and fine 447 persons.
Emma Smith (CLAC), William Ray, Michelle Moore, Cures Riches (CUTV)
 Community News Net (Canada)  Contact Contributor
May 3, 2013, 1:07 p.m.
On Mayday 2013 in Montreal, the Anti-Capitalist demo was declaired illegal half-hour after it started. The police then proceeded to kettle and arrest in total 447 people. The arrested were held until 3 a.m. for some, released in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere.

Emma Smith, member of the CLAC (Covergence des Luttes Anti-Capitalistes) who organized the protest, explains the circumstances of the demo and how the police used P-6 to deliver the famous 637$ tickets.

Then William Ray, Michelle Moore and Cures Riches, respectively producer, reporter and technician for CUTV, Concordia's University campus community television, explain how they were detained and arrested and question the role of media in the whole P6 case.
CKUT News Collective

Off The Hour : report on MayDay demo arrests in Montreal with the CLAC and CUTV Download Program Podcast
MayDay protest was declared illegal by SPVM using municipal bylaw P-6 to detain and fine 447 persons.
00:30:00 1 May 2, 2013
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