Vietnam veteran and peace activist S. Brian Willson speaks in very personal terms, often in tears, about his experiences and thoughts about past wars, imperialism, the peace movement, non-cooperation, etc.
Producer: L.A. Sound Posse Uploaded by: Dave Adelson
At several times during the talk, Willson is near or in tears. If you have a heart beating in your chest, you will be in tears as well. An inspirational, personal talk. He talks at length about the spiritual dimension of peace activism. He talks about the full sweep of human history, what is at stake, and what must change if we are to survive as a species and a planet. He argues powerfully for non-cooperation, and that the American Way of Life (which he calls AWOL) requires the taking of resources at gunpoint. He suggests that therefore, the current Bush policy is indeed inevitable, if we are to maintain the AWOL. For those that don't know, Willson is the peace activist who lost his legs in a civil disobedience action sitting on the tracks blocking a train carrying war materiel. The recording is a bit echoey, and occasionally overmodulated, but still good enough for broadcast.