In Dec. â09, Khalil Bendib, co-host of KPFAâs Voices of the ME & No. Africa, interviewed Noam Chomsky on the Israel-Palestine conflict. He then invited him to an on-air debate with Ali Abunimah over their differences re the BDS movement & with Jeff Blankfort on the power the pro-Israel Lobby. When Chomsky declined to debate them, Bendib presented a virtual debate in which listeners hear Chomskyâs criticisms of the BDS movement and Abunimahâs response, then Chomskyâs position on the power of the Lobby and Blankfortâs critique of his position. The 1/6/10 program was recently rebroadcast.
Originally broadcast 1/6/10 .by KPFA Radios Voices of the Middle East and No. Africa. The co-host and interviewer was Khalil Bendib