(Final panel) Teach-In on why Technology will not save the world. 45 Scholars, Authors & Activists over two days provide an analysis on why immediate change is required in our thinking, behavior, values and economies.
"We start with the Primacy of Scale. Not large scale, smale scale. Not global, local. Not faster, slower. Not more, less. Not top-down, bottom-up. Not private, shared. Not investor-owned, community-owned. Not more tech, less tech. Not meta-economics, micro-economics. Not Competitive, collaborative. Not more trade, less trade. Not more energy, less energy. Not big business, small business. Where do we go from here?" (event program)
Representing but a blip in the geological time line of the planet, humans have evolved their tool using capacity to the point that Earth's ecological integrity has been undermined. Technology has proved the "lever" which with the world has be tilted to the point of climate crash, ecological collapse, and stoked the sky to a toxic furnace. Panelists speak to the necessity of appropriate tools and the reintegration of human self awareness in the ecological order; less hubris on the part of "civilized" man.
International Forum On Globalization - www.ifg.org The International Center For Technology Assessment - www.icta.org NY Open Center - http://www.opencenter.org/ The Schumacher Center For New Economics - www.centerforneweconomics.org
see Ifg.org/techno-utopia/ for complete list
Sunday, Oct. 26 4:45-7:00pm Fourth panel
Bruce Thompson, CIIS: Ecological Economics (0:00-18:47) Randy Hays, Foundation Earth: True Cost Accounting (18:49-41:05) Richard Heinberg, Post Carbon Institute: Steady-State Economics (41:05-59:09) Joshua Farley, U. Vermont: Economics & the Anthropocene (59:09-1:20:24) Lisi Krall,State U. of NY: Wild Earth Economics (1:20:34-1:41:20) Tom Butler, Deep Ecology: Rewilding (1:41:22-1:58:32) Wes Jackson, Land Institute: Nature Is the Final Measure (1:58:32-2:19:22)