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Program Information
outFarpress presents
Listen Globally!
Weekly Program
International news and opinion, shortwave, Spanish National Radio, China Radio International, NHK Japan National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Voice of Russia
 Dan Roberts  Contact Contributor
Sept. 3, 2015, 5:33 p.m.
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, China Radio International, Sputnik Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.
Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 4) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {33MB}

PODCAST!!!- feed:// (160kb Highest Quality)

NEW ARTICLE about the Shortwave Report in the Boulder Weekly by Gavin Dahl-

This week's show features stories from NHK Japan, China Radio International, Sputnik Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.
From JAPAN- The restarted Sendai nuclear power plant has been raised to full capacity as testing continues. In a new report he IAEA says a major factor in the Fukushima disaster was a widespread belief that nuclear power plants are safe. Japanese Self-Defense forces are engaged with US military in war games along the coast of California. China held a parade commemorating the end of WWII but the US, Canada, Britain, and Japan refused to attend.
From CHINA- Reports on the Chinese victory parade, including the reduction in Chinese military forces. 120,000 people demonstrated in Tokyo against the new Security bill which would allow Japanese military to be an offensive force. The Chinese government is calling for better treatment of vagrants and beggars.
From RUSSIA- In light of the escalating migrant crisis, UK PM Cameron has called for peace in Syria. What is the difference between a refugee and a migrant?
From GERMANY- German Chancellor Merkel says the flow of migrants is testing the EU core ideals. Turkish police detained 2 British journalists and raided media houses. The 3 year jail sentences for al-Jazeera journalists in Egypt have been condemned. There were major riots in Kiev after the Ukrainian Parliament voted to give some autonomy to the pro-Russian eastern regions.
From CUBA- Argentina received a favorable ruling in the case of vulture funds in a US court. Tensions between Colombia and Venezuela continue, and former Brazilian President Lula deSilva announced he will run in the next election. Police brutally repressed anti-corruption demonstrators in Honduras, while police in Turkey beat down citizens protesting the war on the Kurdish political party. The US military has deployed more drones in eastern Europe. Saudi bombing raids continue to kill scores of Yemeni civilians.
From SPAIN- On September 27 Catalonia will have elections which may result in a move to become independent of Spain. The federal government is attempting to amend the constitution to make any such move a punishable crime.

There is an article about the Shortwave Report by Cassandra Roos on line -

I was interviewed for an informative weekly radio show Mediageek, available at

All that plus times and frequencies for listening at home. It's free to rebroadcast, please notify me if you're airing it and haven't notified me in the last month, please mention the website if you only air a portion. If you just want to listen and have a slow connection, try the streaming version- lower sound quality but good enough and way easier if you don't have a high-speed internet connection. If streaming is a problem because of your slow connection, download the smaller file- it takes 20 minutes or less, and will play swell in any mp3 player application (RealPlayer, Winamp, Quicktime, iTunes, etc) you have on your computer.
TIME SLOT on KZYX! This program will be aired on Sunday afternoon at 4pm (PST) on KZYX/Z Philo CA, you might be able to stream via < >

I hope you'll listen and air this if you're connected with a radio station. I am still wondering how to get financially compensated for the 25 hours I put into this program weekly- any ideas are appreciated. Any stations rebroadcasting this (or listeners) are welcome to donate for production costs. You can do so through the website. Many thanks to those that have donated! No Guilt! (maybe a little)
links for this week's edition-
< > (13 MB) Broadcast Quality
< > (6 MB) Slow Modem streaming
Website Page-
< >
¡FurthuR! Dan Roberts

"No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark."
--Warsan Shire, "Teaching My Mother How To Give Birth"

Dan Roberts
Shortwave Report-

Highest Quality Download Program Podcast
160kb not vbr
00:29:00 1 Sept. 3, 2015
Mendocino County, California
  View Script
 00:29:00  160Kbps mp3
(33MB) Mono
611 Download File...
Broadcast Quality Download Program Podcast
64kb not vbr
00:29:00 1 Sept. 3, 2015
Mendocino County, California
  View Script
 00:29:00  64Kbps mp3
(13MB) Mono
562 Download File...
Quick Download/ Slow-Modem Streaming Download Program Podcast
24KB vbr
00:29:00 1 Sept. 3, 2015
Mendocino County, California
  View Script
 00:29:00  24Kbps mp3
(6MB) Mono
558 Download File...