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Program Information
The Final Straw Radio Show
Weekly Program
Ron Sakolsky
 TFSRadio  Contact Contributor
Dec. 11, 2016, 12:37 p.m.
This week, we're replaying an interview that Bursts conducted with
Ron Sakolsky in March of 2016. Ron had just recently published Breaking
Loose: Mutual Acquiescence or Mutual Aid? From the original posting:
"Ron is a poet, an anarchist, a surrealist, a pirate radio broadcaster
and author and more. Recently, Little Black Cart
published a small book by Ron Sakolsky entitled Breaking Loose: Mutual
Acquiescence or Mutual Aid? The essay is an anarcho-surrealist critique
in which Ron levels a challenge to readers to move past (or break free)
from the limitations we internalize from engaging with and within (as
well as with others within) the systems of domination. In the
conversation, Ron revisits the essay, breaks down some terminology and
eggs the listener on to exercise their imagination and act from places
of inspiration to apply direct action against the status quo. The essay
it's built off of can be found in Modern Slavery #1.

During the hour, we discuss that book, we chat about radio and Ron's
30 years of radio experience starting in college radio in IL, later
involved in the pirate station called Black Liberation Radio,
publishing and promoting the building of micro-broadcast transmitters,
and currently with Radio Tree Frog in the forests of Coast Salish
Territories AKA British Colombia. He contributed to and edited the
titles Seizing The Airwaves: A Free Radio Handbook (AK Press, 1998) and
Islands of Resistance: Pirate Radio in Canada (New Star Books, 2010). A
sample of featuring mostly content from the "Old Pal" show on Tree Frog
radio is found here: "

To hear more of our archives, dating back to 2010, check out

Jai "Jerry" Williams

Later this week, District Attorney Todd Williams plans to announce
whether or not he will be indicting Sgt. Tyler Radford for the murder of
35 year old Asheville resident Jerry Williams (no relation), who was a
children's book author and father of 5. The particulars of this meeting
will hopefully be made public later this week. For those who are unaware
of this case, Williams was murdered in early July this year at the
Deaverview apartment complex after police were called regarding an
unrelated domestic dispute. In response to Jai, or Jerry, being killed
by law enforcement and the discrepencies between stories of witnesses
and the police narrative, Asheville experienced its first of many
vigorous protests under the auspices of Black Lives Matter. It is
expected that the DA, who recently received a 900 page report on the
case from the State Bureau of Investigation, will deliver a
non-indictment announcement, so keep your eyes and ears peeled for calls
for solidarity from the Williams family and for community responses.
You can also call the DA's office to express your opinion at (828)


There is urgent need for folks to call prison administrators at
Limestone Correctional Facility, where Kinetic Justice (who was one of
the main organizers of the September 9 #PrisonStrike) has been
transferred in order to isolate and endanger him. He was brutally beaten
on December 2, and continues to fear for his life.


Here are the numbers to call, and the script provided by IWOC:

Call Limestone Prison Warden Christopher Gordy 256-233-4600

Call Commissioner Jeff Dunn & Ass Comm Grant Culliver 334-353-3883

Call Gov Robert Bentley 334-242-7100

Call Department of Justice 205-244-2001

Say this, "I am calling to demand that you release Robert Early
Council from solitary confinement and move him out of Limestone
Correctional Facility immediately. He was brutally beaten on December
2nd and continues to fear for his life."

You can read about Kinetik's work at the Free Alabama Movement's website


On or around December 3rd, 2016 a water protector at Oceti Sakowin
received a summons to appear before a federal grand jury that has been
convened in relation to the resistance of water protectors. What we know
about grand juries is that they have a long history of being used to
target those in resistance to the state and engaged in political or
revolutionary movements. The purpose of this grand jury and all grand
juries that target revolutionary people and communities is to cause
division, manufacture prisoners of war, create paranoia and suspicion
amongst comrades. We will not be intimidated and resistance to this is
only strengthening our resolve to kill this black snake and all the

Water protectors stand in resistance to this grand jury and all tools
of state repression, be it on the ground through Morton County’s
violent tactics or in the shrouded secrecy of a grand jury courtroom.

Indigenous people, water protectors, legal workers, revolutionaries
and comrades from across the camps are actively organizing resistance to
this grand jury. Camp wide education efforts are already underway as
well as reaching out through our networks of solidarity that know no
borders in order to spread the word.

If you have been contacted by federal law enforcement or have been
served with a subpoena related to water protector activities or the
resistance at Standing Rock please contact the Water Protector Legal
Collective at (605) 519-8180. Grand juries rely on the isolation and
fear that can come with a subpoena. The first step of resistance is
seeking solidarity and support!

To donate to the Water Protector Legal Collective, you can visit

And for many other fantastic resources regarding grand juries and
grand jury resistance, you can visit's article
Grand Jury Resistance at Standing Rock

Oakland March in response to Gentrification & #Ghostship

In Oakland, there's a call for a March on Monday entitled: Honor the dead! Fight for the living!

Resist the destruction of all that allows us to survive and sometimes
thrive. Let us mourn and rage together against a world that tears us
apart, slowly in the form of ongoing gentrification, development,
deportation, and imprisonment – or swiftly through tragedy that could
have been prevented.

From Libby to Trump, they don’t care about us, let’s show them we
don’t need them! It’s not about the artists. It’s about all of us trying
to survive in Oakland. Poor people, people of color and queer people
have been fighting for their existence for decades.

Communal warehouses are only one of our most recent dwellings where
sometimes we get to imagine what another life could look like.

Defend tent cities and takeover vacant buildings! Fight landlords! We
demand a moratorium on all evictions and affordable housing for all!

Monday, December 12th, 6pm at Grand Lake Theater @ Grand Ave and Lake Park Ave next to Lake Merritt

FBI Spying & Rule 41

Also of note, the December 9th episode of On The Media, a podcast
produced by NPR's WNYC studios with a progressive focus on media
production in the U.S. and politics, had a really good interview with
Rainey Reitman, the Activism Director at the Electronic Frontier
Foundation. The OTM interview, the second interview of the episode,
focused on the recently passed updates to Rule 41 of the U.S. Federal
Rules of Criminal Procedure, giving permission for the FBI to hack
computers outside the jurisdiction in which the warrant was granted,
often specifically where encryption or another means of obscuring or
securing the information is being used. Check out that episode at
and more work and analysis of digital freedom and surveillance from our
friends at the Electronic Frontier Foundation can be found at, alongside toolkits for staying safer in the interwebs


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02:13:57 1 Dec. 11, 2016
WSFM-LP Asheville, North Carolina
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 00:59:36  128Kbps mp3
(54.9MB) Stereo
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Download Program Podcast
02:13:57 1 Dec. 11, 2016
WSFM-LP Asheville, North Carolina
  View Script
 01:14:21  128Kbps mp3
(85.4MB) Stereo
769 Download File...