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Program Information
The Transpersonal Experience
Eschatology in the 21st century: interfaith and comparative perspectives”
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Jan. 7, 2017, 3:25 p.m.
Conference held at Imam Khoei Islamic Centre: “Eschatology in the 21st century: interfaith and comparative perspectives”
December 6, 2016
SHAFAQNA – Global Vision 2000 the independent UK Islamic think tank held a special one day conference on, “ Eschatology in the 21st century: interfaith and comparative perspectives” at the Imam Khoei Islamic centre in London.
In terms of its work on moving towards the Universal paradigm shift leading British Shia, Sunni, Christian and secular scholars, theologians, academics and political activists presented their research on various aspects of eschatology.
The event enabled perspectives from the disciplines of theology, history, political economy, geopolitics, peace, interfaith and future studies to be articulated publicly for the first time.
These included Dr.Yaqub Zaki, Shaikh Dr. Ramzy, Clive Menzies,Tony Gosling, Ayatollah Milani, Daud Pidcock, Reverend Nadim Nassar and Dr.Simon Mouatt.
In this conference Ayatollah Milani spoke about “The End of Time, Prosperity or Destruction?”
In his paper Ayatollah Milani differentiated between two stages: Before emergence of Al Mahdi a.s and after that significant event.
As for the period before the appearance of al Mahdi a.s. the following signs have been mentioned:
Wars/destruction/huge number of people will perish as a result of war. Some ahadith mention that two third will perish and one third will survive White death and red death. The first one refers to contagious disease spreading rapidly, in the past it was mainly plague, now a days many other diseases are known. Red death refers to bloodshed
The approach of black flags from the East. In the past it was interpreted for Abbasid density and nowadays ISIS try to interpret it in their favor
Dissipation of established moral convictions.
Logic and wisdom being suppressed by whims and desires.
As for the period after the appearance of Imam Mahdi a.s. Ayatollah Milani mentioned the following:
World will witness justice in every aspect of life.
Whims and desires will be controlled by wisdom and divine guidance
Enhancement of intellectual abilities
No poverty seen anywhere
Disappearance of clash of interests. Harmony and peaceful co-existence will govern
Emergence of Imam Mahdi will coincide with the descent of Jesus.
The framework to explore eschatology in the 21st century was approached
from an interdisciplinary, interfaith and comparative basis which lays the foundations for further research, study, contemplation and action.
Moeen Yaseen the Managing Director of Global Vision 2000 stated that “eschatology is a science and we can only see the contemporary world from eschatological perspective”.

Saturday 3 December 2016 AD/ 1438 AH
Imam Khoei Islamic Centre
Chevening Road, London NW6 6TN
in association with

Eschatology and the end of history Dr. Yaqub Zaki
Future of the Middle East Shaikh Dr.Ramzy
Coffee break
Global structural elite Clive Menzies
Secret societies in prophecy, Biblical icons and mainstream media
Tony Gosling
Q & A session
Lunch 1300-1400

Islamic perspectives : Daud Pidcock
Ayatollah Milani
Coffee Break
Christian perspectives
Literal hermeneutics of the Christian interpretation of end times and Christian Zionism Dr.Simon Mouatt
Rev.Nadim Nassar

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