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Program Information
Takes on the World
Phil Giraldi, Exec. Director, Council for the National Interest
 Jeff Blankfort  Contact Contributor
Sept. 12, 2018, 2:35 p.m.
In an explosive interview, without mincing words, former CIA case officer, Phil Giraldi elaborates on his two recent articles on Unz Review, “Why Confronting Israel is Important: The Jewish State Is No friend” (Aug. 14) and “Israel’s Fifth Column: Exercising Control from Inside the Government,” (Sept. 4).

The degree of Jewish power in the US and within US political institutions has reached such a dangerous point, as Giraldi describes it, that he has no hesitancy in frequently bypassing the “acceptable” use of “Zionist” in Left circles, when speaking of Israel’s supporters and using in conjunction with it, or in its place, the taboo "J” word which the dominant culture insists must only be used in positive contexts.

But since it is Jews and Jewish organizations such as the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, the Zionist Organization of America, and AIPAC, that are buying and intimidating our politicians and infiltrating the federal government on behalf of Israel’s perceived interests and not the Christian Zionists despite their numbers and votes, they are the ones about whom Giraldi is trying to make the American public aware.,

It is a major challenge, given the Jewish influence over the media which yammers over and over about Russian interference in US elections when whatever the Russians did is dwarfed by what Israel has been doing in plain sight. That’s an important point Giraldi makes. Most of the Jewish activities on Israel’s behalf aren’t hidden but the media refuses to see them for what they are so the public is left in the dark.

This applies to Netanyahu’s ability to get the Trump White House to follow Israel’s agenda regarding the Palestine issue, Syria, and, in particular, Iran, where all the connections are not so public, such as the establishment of a US air defense base under Israeli military control in Southern Israel which could serve as a “trip wire” to get the US into a devastating war if an Iranian or Hezbollah missile happen to hit the US and kill or injure an American.

One particular focus of Giraldi’s is the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (OTFI) within the Dept. of the Treasury set up by Pres. Bush in 2003 in which, it seems, only strongly pro-Israel Jews are allowed to work. This is the office that decides which countries and which companies are to be sanctioned and it has no Congressional or other oversight. As Giraldi points out, it exists to serve Israel’s not America’s interests. It, too, is not hidden from the public eye, with its first director Stuart Levey presenting himself as a proud supporter of Israel while speaking to AIPAC.

Also discussed in the same context was the front page story in today (9/12) New York Times about an ardent pro-Israel Jew and opponent of the Palestinians, Ken Marcus, who had been hired to run the Civil Rights division of the Education Dept. was putting out rules that would make Jews into an ethnicity and thus entitled to civil rights protection when Palestinian students staged protests or launched campaigns for boycotting Israel. His definition of antisemitism is identical to the one that the British Labour Party was intimidated into accepting by the British Jewish establishment

Giraldi’s articles can be found here: and here:

Interviewed by Jeff Blankfort
Giraldi’s articles can be found here: and here:

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00:33:39 1 Sept. 12, 2018
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