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Program Information
State Of The City reports
Putin Ready For War As Unwelcome US Ambassador Leaves Moscow For First Time Ever
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
April 23, 2021, 2:17 p.m.
Lib Dem Caroline Gooch: The Only Candidate Who Will Abolish The Corrupt Dictatorial Office Of Bristol Mayor
Part One - News Review and Investigative Reports

Gary Hopkins, leader of Bristol Lib Dems, joins Martin and Tony.  Mayor Marvin and development projects around Bristol. Avon and Somerset Police apologise for arresting Black Lives Matter supporters outside the Magistrate Court. Policing of different Bristol protests.  Andy Marsh and Sue Mountstevens are leaving Avon and Somerset police.  Post Office workers accused of theft are finally cleared.  Local elections in May – do Councillors have any power?  Candidates for Mayor.  Effect of Common Purpose.  Mayoral system.  Lib Dems former coalition Tories.  Kill the Bill protests.  Black Lives Matter – Colston statue issue.  Anti-lockdown protests.  Extinction Rebellion.  New Brunel Pass travel card to be introduced to Bristol public transport. Bristol City Council elections 2021: Oyster-style "Brunel" travel card promised by Lib Dems - Manifesto includes millions of new trees, velodrome plans and tidal power generator - An Oyster-style Brunel Card public transport system would be introduced by the Lib Dems if they win control of Bristol City Council at the local elections on May 6.  Reduced bus fares for under-25s, street lamps that dim automatically to save energy, opposing Bristol Airports expansion, continuing to support a city centre arena and scrapping the citys mayor are all among the pledges in the partys manifesto.  A referendum on the council leadership model would be held, with the party campaigning for the role of Bristols elected mayor to be abolished. Neighbourhood partnerships, scrapped by Labour mayor Marvin Rees, would be reestablished as a precursor to new neighbourhood councils with parish council legal status where communities want them. The group is also promising to plant 10 million trees over the next 20 years, build a tidal power generator, switch all taxis and private hire vehicles away from diesel and petrol before 2030, attract funding for a velodrome and promote drug consumption rooms, which are currently illegal. Its manifesto, launched at College Green on Thursday, April 15, is anchored on three broad themes sustainability, better services and better governance. Among the more eye-catching policies are voting for a London-style bus franchise system at the West of England Combined Authority, a young persons bus pass, lower fares for all and the Brunel travel card "smart ticketing" for passengers to hop between different modes of transport in Bristol. The party supports new simplified resident parking zones (RPZs) with limited hours and greater flexibility for householders, rather than the blanket 9am to 5pm scheme, and a workplace parking levy to fund public transport, reduce congestion and combat air pollution.

Bristol Waste is useless – Ignored neighbourhood plagued by reeking meat, rats and flytipping hell Council and waste contractor Bristol Waste accused of institutional racism Residents told Bristol Live flytipping has been rife since communal bins were introduced in the area in 2010, replacing individual wheelie and recycling bins. Hotspots include Hepburn Road, Surrey Street, Brigstocke Road, Argyle Road, Drummond Road, Badminton Road, Albany Road and Gwyn Street, they say. Flytipping on Albany Road from July 2020 Mr Chard says the move to a communal bin on each street has created hotspots around each of those bins. The 36-year-old IT consultant added: “I live at the corner of Brigstocke Road and Gwyn Street. It has become a focal point for all activity. “Initially, when the council wanted to put a skip bin outside my kitchen window, I got in touch with them and said it would cause public health issues here. “They said, ‘It’s a public highway, we can do what we want.’ “There has never been anything in place to wash these bins out. They stink.” Mr Chard says a stack of car tyres, a freezer, bags of rubbish and a bookcase were dumped outside his home earlier this month. He claims it built up for two weeks before the council collected it. “The binmen are supposed to monitor for waste beside the bins, and if there’s any they should raise a ticket with flytipping crews to clear it up,” he said. “Quite evidently, that process is broken.

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Full interview with James Ward Bristol Activist Blog
Full interview with Trevor Mealham Lloyds Fraud and Bristol PCC Mayor Elections

Part Two - Covid-19 Scamdemic Casedemic latest and investigations

Piers Corbyn court case in Bristol for holding anti lockdown protests.  Covid vaccines.  China’s harsh initial lockdown worked – when do lockdowns work? Piers Corbyn denies Covid breach after lockdown protest in Bristol = The brother of former Labour leader Jeremy denies the charge along with three co-defendants London Mayor candidate Piers Corbyn and three others appeared in court today accused of involvement in an illegal Bristol protest. Corbyn – the elder brother of former Labour leader Jeremy – pleaded not guilty to participating in a gathering of more than two people on November 14 last year. The weather forecaster allegedly took part in a Stand Up Bristol demonstration which saw around 400 people gather on College Green against the coronavirus lockdown, at a time when protests were not legal. Not guilty pleas were entered for all four defendants who appeared together at Bristol Magistrates’ Court today (April 22): Piers Corbyn, 74, of East Street in Southwark Angus Lancaster, 43, of Cowslip Crescent in Emersons Green Jonathan Trapman, 71, of Fairfield Gardens in Glastonbury Nathan Robinson, 50, of Turnbridge Road in Brentry Piers Corbyn, brother of former Labour leader Jeremy, appears at Bristol Magistrates Court (Image: Conor Gogarty) Corbyn arrived at court in a cream Volkswagen. He was slightly late, which he attributed to a Sat Nav problem. He entered the courtroom carrying a Lidl bag full of documents. When the judge asked the defendants if they had read the police statements, Corbyn replied: "Wait a minute – we’re waiting for our friends to come in because each of us were told we could have one supporter." Judge Matthews informed Corbyn that Covid safety measures mean a limit on how many people can be in the courtroom. Corbyn said: "Madam, do you have control of this court? Surely you could implement natural justice and say people can be allowed in."

PMQs Kier Starmer – Boris taking calls from Dyson about ventilators. You have let the country down! The Raven pub landlord in Bath has a go at Blairite Labour Leader Kier Starmer for not doing his job opposing the government. The pub landlord that gave Keir Starmer both barrels on Monday accused the Labour leader to his face of failing. Starmer failed all right. He failed to respond to Rod Humphris’ verbal assault properly. Humphris, co-owner of The Raven pub in Bath, first assailed Starmer in the street during a walkabout in the west country city. He claimed Labour had failed to ask the right questions on coronavirus. He waved some graphs around and insisted the economy had been sacrificed “because old people are dying”. Starmer chose not to engage. This is an improvement on previous Labour leadership figures meeting the public. Tony Blair was famously ambushed by Sharon Storer for his failings on the NHS, John Prescott punched a man and Gordon Brown called an old lady a bigot. Better to stay schtum than get in the that sort of hot water. Instead, Labour responded on Twitter with a link to a voter registration page and an insistence that any further response would be to spread the disinformation Humphris was spouting.

ITV West’s report on Kill the Bill protests and the violence that ensued.  James Ward, from ‘The Bristol Activist’ blog, discusses the Kill the Bill protests.  History of statues being taken down.  Protests and media coverage. What is The Bristol Activist? (TBA) is a news site covering progressive protest, activism and resistance in Bristol. It has sections for current events and features, interviews and analysis, and background resources. By bringing together stories from all groups and causes, and by spanning across past and present, TBA aims to creates a living archive of activist knowledge and experience for other activists to learn from and be inspired by. What kind of stories does TBA cover? TBA creates a space for those activities that mainstream media would not consider newsworthy. This could be small protests, banner drops, fly-postering, online campaigns, letter writing campaigns… anything and everything. As long as your cause is progressive and you consider it an act of protest, then it has a place on TBA. No story is too small that there is nothing to be learned from it or that it can’t inspire others to act.

Follow @BristolActivist

Trevor Mealham, representing around 200 victims of Lloyds Bank Bristol Business Support Unit (BSU) fraud, from Action4Justice blog, explains the Lloyds criminals links to Bristol mayor Marvin Rees and his Mayor Marvin’s ‘Plimsoll Productions’ company which is financed by Lloyds, famed for bait and switch fraud in Bristol.  The next big financial crash like 1929 only much worse.  ‘The (A4J) team is made up of volunteers who freely and willingly give up their time and resources in an effort to get restitution for the many victims of systemic banking fraud and wrongdoing.All action4justice (A4J) team members strive for transparency in all aspects of their work whilst maintaining confidentiality whenever appropriate.Our mission is simple: to seek fair restitution which is commensurate with the hardship, suffering and mental anguish of the victims of banking fraud. A4J advice and website use is free; all we we ask for in return is, should you receive a payment, you give consideration to a donation to the cause so that we can continue to help other unfortunate victims in a similar situation to yours: You will, from experience, know exactly how that feels and the need for support through the difficult times

Seven Stages of Empire’ documentary by Mike Maloney – the seven stages of money and the link between money and war. 

Bristol Energy and Bristol Waste failure – public services vs private companies. Further £15 million of public money ‘lost’ to Bristol Energy Bristol Energy lost another £14.8million last year, latest financial data shows. Now a public interest report is being sought to find out what went wrong. Bristol City Council established Bristol Energy in 2015 to provide affordable energy for residents while returning a profit for the local authority. The company failed to turn a profit despite up to £37.5 million of council investment, and the local authority finally admitted defeat last year, breaking up and selling the company for a total of £15.3 million. But Bristol Energy lost another £14.8 million last year, latest financial data shows. The details of the losses were revealed in the failed company’s final annual report published on Sunday (10 January) The council has asked its external auditor Grant Thornton for a public interest report into the matter, to find out what went wrong and the exact extent of the losses for taxpayers. A Cable long read last year dissected what went wrong for Bristol’s energy company.

Bills Gates seed bank. What’s Going On With the Arctic ‘Doomsday’ Seed Vault? Against the backdrop of the spreading fear about a global coronavirus pandemic, an event has slipped largely under the radar at a spot so removed from the rest of the world that most are unaware of its existence. The Svalbard “Doomsday” Seed Vault on Spitsbergen Island north of the Arctic Circle just received an additional major shipment of plant variety seeds for its special storage. What makes this entire seed bank enterprise suspicious at the very least is the list of financial sponsors behind the global project. On February 25 more than 60,000 new seed varieties were placed in the Svalbard vault, the largest deposit of seeds since it opened. This brings the total of seed types to over one million since the vault was first opened for deposits in early 2008. The latest seed deposits include onions from Brazil, guar beans from central Asia, corn seeds sacred to the Cherokee nation and wildflowers from a meadow at Prince Charles’s home in the UK (sic). The Svalbard vault is on the island that is legally part of Norway since a 1925 treaty. The Norwegian government put up much of the money for the construction of the facility whose backers declared it was able to withstand a nuclear bomb blast. The only problem was planners did not make the structure, built into a mountain side, waterproof and the entrance flooded amid heavy rains in 2016, necessitating a major € 20 million of repairs and upgrade which were just completed, some four years later. Notably, as Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg pointed out during the recent seed-greeting ceremony, the year 2020 is slated as the year by which countries should have safeguarded genetic diversity of crops to meet the UN goal of “eliminating hunger by 2030.” The year 2030 is when the UN IPCC predicts catastrophic climate change barring a radical action from the world, as well as the key benchmark year for the UN’s Malthusian Agenda2030. The publicly-stated argument for the major seed bank project is supposedly as a safe backup for the numerous national seed bank collections in event they are destroyed in war as in Syria or Iraq, or by natural disaster or other calamity. The Svalbard vault has been called the “Noah’s ark of seeds,” there should a “global catastrophe” occur, to allow a theoretical restart to world agriculture. OK. Interesting. Who would decide how to distribute those seeds in event of such a catastrophe is not addressed. What is notable is the list of those backing this highly unusual public-private partnership. Crop Trust? The seed bank and acquisition of the seeds is managed by an entity known as the Crop Trust, officially known as the Global Crop Diversity Trust, now based in Bonn, Germany. On its website Crop Trust makes the modest claim that their “sole mission is to ensure humanity conserves and makes available the world’s crop diversity for future food security.” It has an impressive list of financial sponsors which it calls the Donors’ Council. Among the most eye-catching they name Bayer Crop Science, which now incorporates Monsanto; DuPont Pioneer Hi-Bred; Syngenta AG, now owned by ChemChina. These are the world’s largest purveyors of GMO patented seeds and the paired agrichemicals such as Roundup with glyphosate. China’s now state-owned Syngenta is the world’s largest supplier of crop chemicals.

US and Russian Ambassadors leaving.  BBC report – serious incident in Latvia between NATO and Russia.  Relations between Iran and US.  

Mark Sleboda, International Affairs and Security Analyst at Moscow State University, discusses countries pulling out of arms treaties, and Putin’s attempts to work with the West on a cyber war pact. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Graduating in December 2010 from MSc Taught Programme in International Relations Theory with specialties in Security Studies, Russian and Eurasian Foreign/Security/and Domestic Policy, and the international relations of climate change. Richmond the American International University in London London, UK September 2007- May 2009. Completed a BA (Hons) in International Relations with a minor in Political Science in May of 2009. GPA 3.5 (Upper 2:1). Moscow State University (MGU) Moscow, Russia – 2 years of course work in International Relations from 2005 – 2007. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) Moscow, Russia – Preparatory Faculty (Russian Language and Culture), 2004. George Washington University, Old Dominion University, Central Texas College Attended courses towards a degree in International Relations at various US universities during off-duty hours while working in the military from 1995-1999. Naval Nuclear Prototype Training Unit - Charleston, South Carolina, 1995. Naval Nuclear Power School (Reactor Operator) - Orlando, Florida, 1995. Naval Nuclear Field “A” School (Electronics Technician) - Orlando, Florida, 1994 January 2002-December 2006 - Teacher of English and Business Management, Tom’s House, Moscow, the Russian Federation Taught English and business management to employees of various corporations in Moscow, Russia. Corporations taught at include Gazprom, Rusal, Boeing, Reckitt Benckiser, Proctor & Gamble, and IPSOS. August 1999-September 2001 - Electro-Mechanical Technician, Analog Devices Incorporated of Woburn, Massachusetts Served as an engineering technician in electronics, electrical, and mechanical field for equipment used in the manufacturing of semiconductors. Other duties included shift incident commander of site Emergency Response Team responsible for entire industrial facility. July 1993-July 1999 - Electronics Technician/Reactor Operator, US Navy Served aboard the Navy vessel USS South Carolina (CGN-37), a nuclear powered cruiser, as a non-commissioned officer in the electronics/electrical field. Achieved rank of petty officer second class (E-5) and received numerous awards and citations including two letters of commendation for superior performance in supervision and electronics repair, as well as being selected by Chief Engineer as operator for two consecutive Operational Reactor Safeguards Examinations (ORSE). Collateral duties included ship Voting Officer, career counselor, damage control petty officer, quality assurance inspector, running/anchoring ship site TV station, editor/writer of Fleet newspaper

Bilderberg behind the Covid operation? Manfred Petritsch, from All Smoke and Mirrors blog, doesn’t think there will be a war between West and Russia. Why I (have to) stop - Thank you very much for the large number of positive comments after I announced my departure. I am very happy that I was able to show so many of you what goes on behind the scenes, what is really happening and who is behind it. I am very honoured to have such loyal readers who have visited, read and accompanied me every day for 15 years. I got to know some of you at events I participated in or organised myself. What I havent made public yet, the real reason I say goodbye to writing, is my health, or lack of it. I can no longer use and control my hands and fingers and they are trembling a lot. I may have Parkinsons. I find it very difficult to use the keyboard and I have to stop working on the computer. I tried to procrastinate the day I cant type my thoughts and opinions anymore. Writing became more and more difficult and therefore there werent as many articles and long breaks. I hope you understand, because entering a page is exhausting, takes a long time, because of all the corrections that I have to make. My priority now is therapy and disability reduction. There are many famous people who have been diagnosed with Parkinsons and one has suffered from it for 30 years, the actor from "Back To The Future" Michael J. Fox (59). It started with him when he was 29 years old, not like me as a 68-year-old "old man". He had to limit his acting career more and more and give up completely in 2020. He has done a lot for his fellow sufferers by setting up a foundation that researches positive results to cure Parkinsons and collects donations for it.

War Criminal Henry Kissinger - the global game-player Manfred has just accused of being responsible for the Covid operation, on conditions now being like the run up to WW1 unless we do as he says. Warning? Or threat? Manfred Petritsch – Covid is a global fascist coup. Alexei Navalny is not important in Russia. Kissinger Warns Washington: Accept New Global System Or Face A Pre-WWI Geopolitical Situation It is always difficult for Great Powers to accept that the world has changed, especially when it is to their detriment. The behavior of the Biden administration, which deliberately uses threatening and inappropriate rhetoric, demonstrates that it will not rationally accept a multipolar world system, especially since Russophobia and Sinophobia are on the rise. Personal insults against Putin and Xi are an expression of American impotence, especially when we consider that the U.S. historically did not engage in this kind of rhetoric when it was at the zenith of its power. The U.S. is no longer the world’s sole superpower and its rivals are no longer accepting such aggression, which is exactly why the Chinese delegation that went to Alaska last month clearly stated that it does not accept any language of force. An additional problem for the U.S. is whether its allies will strain their relations with China and Russia, and whether they will accept being pushed into conflicts with them. There are indications that the most important European countries will resist U.S. demands. This is evidenced by the Nord Stream 2 issue where American attempts to prevent its construction are being met with resistance from important European Union countries despite the endless complaints from minnows like Lithuania and Poland. Robert Gates, former director of the CIA and U.S. Secretary of Defense, admitted in a recent interview with the Washington Post that sanctions against Russia do not any good for the U.S. In The National Interest, Robert Kaplan describes Russia as a “problem from hell” because it cannot be subdued. Kaplan offered reasons why it is necessary for Russia to “move away from its one-sided alliance with China” and find balance with the U.S.

EU and globalisation – Brexit. Martin Summers still wants to Remain in the EU. 

James Files, hired killer of JFK -  his testimony. Chicago Mob Hit-Man and JFK Assassin James Files interviewed COMPLETE TWO-AND-THREE-QUARTER-HOUR INTERVIEW WITH THE FORMER 82ND AIRBORNE DIVISION SHARPSHOOTER AND CHICAGO MOB HIT-MAN WHO KILLED US PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY FOR THE TEXAS OIL TYCOONS AND CIA IN 1963 - We have no complete answers, but you can at least include Johnson, Hoover, Nixon, Texan oilmen like Sid Richardson, Clint Murchison and H.L. Hunt. Those were the richest Americans of that time. The night before the murder, there was a party on Murchisons estate. All these gentlemen gathered in a private meeting room there. They are all mentioned in our program. The people who have helped with the cover up are of course complicit too. We already covered Ford and Specter. Insofar as Warren Commission members had no high positions, they got them later. Most of them have been rewarded with splendid careers. Its all so crystal clear if you think a few steps bigger. Is that not a problem for acceptance? I mean, lots of people are scared to even think that! Unfortunately you are probably right. The average citizen has maybe a problem to switch that button. Many Americans can hardly accept their own elected government is simply lying to them. But the evidence lies on the table. Likewise they dont believe the CIA and mafia are working together. They pay their taxes to fund the CIA in order to protect society against enemies and criminals. Then you dont expect them to go into business with organised crime. However, the proof is as hard as a diamond.

The mafiabosses involved in this were Sam Giancana of Chicago, Santos Trafficante of Florida and Carlos Marcello of New Orleans. Those three have provided their gunmen in paramount with the CIA. All three hated both Kennedy brothers, actually their very existence was threatened by the Kennedys. It has now been documented that they worked closely together with the CIA. They are exactly the men who assisted the CIA in the plots to assassinate Fidel Castro. That has all become public in the seventies during the investigations on intelligence and assassinations. You can only guess what we dont know yet. The brother of Giancana has written a bestseller biography on him. Giancana explains perfectly how his organization and the CIA were "two sides of the same coin". He says "I have done more deals with the CIA than I have time to tell you". By the way, in that book he also says that Marcello had sent Charles Harrelson to Dealey Plaza.
#1 - FULL Mark Sleboda Ukraine US Russia Germany Nordstream Two
#2 - FULL Manfred Petritsch Ukraine Russia US Bilderberg Covid German Greens
#3 - FULL James Ward Bristol Activist Blog
#4 - FULL Trevor Mealham Lloyds Fraud and Bristol PCC Mayor Elections
#5 - Hidden Secrets Of Money 2, Seven Stages Of Empire, Mike Maloney
#6 - CLASSICS 3 James Files Interview JFK Assassination Hit-Man
#7 - The proper 4hr show

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