When rebroadcasting or web linking, please give credit to PDX KBOO UNOFFICIAL ARCHIVE PROJECT . | D E C E M B E R 2005 | kboo Week-At-A-Glance schedule - gif http://media.portland.indymedia.org/images/2005/12/329727.gif === includes breakdown of morning and other programs in multi-hour streams . | D E C E M B E R 2005 | kboo listings of special programs - html http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/12/329719.shtml#205098 === direct from Listeners Guide . | D E C E M B E R 2005 | kboo Listeners Guide complete - PDF http://portland.indymedia.org/media/media/2005/12/329728.pdf === includes list of underwriters, member benefits, official station news etc
7am 'Get This' News (text summary reads like script from THE DAILY SHOW http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/12/330948.shtml) . 7:30-9am TALK RADIO Abe Proctor and call-ins share/compare notes on their wishlists for the world in 2006 . 9-9:30am LOCUS FOCUS Barbara Bernstein talks with Mary Roach author of SPOOK: SCIENCE TACKLES THE AFTERLIFE, starting with a [real, historical, bona fides] Dr Mc Dougal MD, who published accounts in respected medical journals in America in the 1920s of his successful experiments to "weigh the human soul" . 9:30-10am WORDS AND PICTURES Bill Dodge talks with Jach Ohman, editorial cartoonist for the OREGONIAN and syndicated in major newspapers across America, " 2005 suffered no famine of material for political cartoonists" . 10-10:30am FREEDOM PROJECT: Non-Violent Communication : Stephanie Potter talks with Lucy Leu - project supports transforming prisoners into peacemakers, building safe communities founded on effective connections . 10-10:30am STAGE & STUDIO A Christmas Carol - Willamette Radio workshop's 30 min edition of A CHRISTMAS CAROL, with Scrooge played by female voice