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Program Information
pdx KBOO news and public affairs
+ complete NPA program lineup 7-11am and 5-7pm
Unspecified  Contact Contributor
Dec. 28, 2005, 8:11 a.m.
see notes
When rebroadcasting or web linking, please give credit to PDX KBOO UNOFFICIAL ARCHIVE PROJECT
| D E C E M B E R 2005 | kboo Week-At-A-Glance schedule - gif
=== includes breakdown of morning and other programs in multi-hour streams
| D E C E M B E R 2005 | kboo listings of special programs - html
=== direct from Listeners Guide
| D E C E M B E R 2005 | kboo Listeners Guide complete - PDF
=== includes list of underwriters, member benefits, official station news etc
7-7:30am 'Get This' News--see spitfire's tongue-in-cheek text summary
7:30-9am LOCUS FOCUS with Barbara Bernstein - Whole Communities Radio Project - documentary re ongoing efforts of 'Damascus Oregon' (near Sandy, on SE outskirts of Portland) to incorporate as a town ... concentrating on residents' committment to build area for PEOPLE, NOT automobiles - Stephen Messler is urban planner for City of Portland
9-9:30am MOVIETALK
==='memoirs of a geisha' - GORGEOUS badly acted film - tedious soap opera
==='three burials of _____Estrada' gringo-tejanos adventure flick
==='the producers' - great movie, good broadway musical, mediocre movie musical (B-)
==='munich' - best Spielberg film in years (A-)
==='wolf creek' - beautifully photographed, great musical score, based on true story of disappearances in Australian Outback
==='campfire' - classism and snobbery (religeous and social) among Israeli settlers in 1980 (B)
==='family stone' - christmas family comedy mess - horrible (D)
==='down to the bone' - another drug addiction film - you really don't have to see this movie
9:30-10am SPEAKING OF ANIMALS : Lauren McCall talks about communication among animals--including humans
10-11am PEOPLE RISE UP with Andrew Geller examines changes in legal meaning of "organic" as it relates to food production AND talks with people working to incorporate practices that promote conservation and biodiversity into organic farming and ranching--19.51 mb HiFi download at
11am-noon DemocracyNow!--downloadable from
noon-2pm JAZZ BEBOP SPOKEN HERE : Don Manning's weekly colloquium, memoir and showcase of his bewildering collection of rare, often private, jazz recordings from the Depression era through now; don't even think about quibbling with him-- he was there--these are people he has known and, often, has jammed with. The documentary character of this program is on a par with many features included on kboo's morning radiozine. Depending on number of downloads, this may be included here on wednesdays regularly. If so, we will up the quality of the mp3 files available here
5-6pm NEWS HOUR includes LIVE segments on
===Colorado journalist Alan Best offers backgound on so-called "ecoterrorism crime" linked to local activists now jailed awaiting trial
===Local attorney Paul Lowey(SP?) discusses the history of federal surveillance of Portland activists PLUS
===what you should do if you believe spooks are on your tail.
6-7pm the UNDERGROUND by kboo's youth collective--don't sneeze: this is well put together and highly entertaining part of kboo's monthly program lineup

Download Program Podcast
07:40:14 1 Dec. 28, 2005
Portland OR 97213
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 00:30:30  16Kbps mp3
(3.49MB) Mono
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Download Program Podcast
07:40:14 1 Dec. 28, 2005
Portland OR 97213
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 01:24:21  16Kbps mp3
(9.65MB) Mono
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07:40:14 1 Dec. 28, 2005
Portland OR 97213
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 00:29:01  24Kbps mp3
(3.32MB) Mono
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07:40:14 1 Dec. 28, 2005
Portland OR 97213
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 00:28:25  16Kbps mp3
(3.25MB) Mono
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07:40:14 1 Dec. 28, 2005
Portland OR 97213
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 00:59:07  16Kbps mp3
(6.76MB) Mono
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Download Program Podcast
07:40:14 1 Dec. 28, 2005
Portland OR 97213
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 01:50:55  16Kbps mp3
(12.69MB) Mono
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Download Program Podcast
07:40:14 1 Dec. 28, 2005
Portland OR 97213
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 01:00:18  16Kbps mp3
(6.9MB) Mono
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Download Program Podcast
07:40:14 1 Dec. 28, 2005
Portland OR 97213
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 00:57:37  16Kbps mp3
(6.59MB) Mono
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to provide replacement file for linking to version 1 Download Program Podcast
original movietalk file disappeared for unknown reasons
00:29:01 1 Dec. 28, 2005
of the air portland oregon 97213
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 00:29:01  24Kbps mp3
(4.98MB) Mono
150 Download File...