When rebroadcasting or web linking, please give credit to PDX KBOO UNOFFICIAL ARCHIVE PROJECT . | D E C E M B E R 2005 | kboo Week-At-A-Glance schedule - gif http://media.portland.indymedia.org/images/2005/12/329727.gif === includes breakdown of morning and other programs in multi-hour streams . | D E C E M B E R 2005 | kboo listings of special programs - html http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/12/329719.shtml#205098 === direct from Listeners Guide . | D E C E M B E R 2005 | kboo Listeners Guide complete - PDF http://portland.indymedia.org/media/media/2005/12/329728.pdf === includes list of underwriters, member benefits, official station news etc .
7-7:30am 1229 'Get This' News [!] text summary http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/12/331041.shtml . 7:30-9am Voices From The Edge - call-in TALK RADIO hosted by Alan Graf, legendary Portland attorney for civil right and liberties, and JoAnn Bowman, former state senator and legendary lots-of-stuff. This is Alan's last day on the air for a while. In addition to many years of reminiscence and richly earned congratulation, there is a substantial discussion of where you can turn with civil liberties, police brutality problems in Portland. JoAnn Bowman will continue as host into 2006 http://www.hippielawyer.com . 9-9:30am morning RADIOZINE kicks off with Jade Piccala and Chris Andreae discussing and fielding call-ins regarding PROJECT CENSORED nominations for unreported / under-reported / distorted-reported stories of 2005 ... warming listeners up for fireworks on ... . ... 9:30-10am Teresa Mitchell's PRESSWATCH "the news you're not supposed to hear". This program now archived each week on http://www.radio4all.net, in the stream of news and public affairs for that day. Chris Andreae joins in during this week's program, together with call-ins . 10-10:30 FOCUS ON ISRAEL/PALESTINE part 3 'why we left Gaza', hosted by Will Seaman. Interview with Tanya Rhinehardt professor of linguistics at the University of Tel Aviv and University of Utrecht, syndicated columnist in Hebrew language newspapers and author of HOW TO END THE 1948 WAR http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=13959 FOCUS ON ISRAEL/PALESTINE parts 1 and 2 http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=14211 . 10:30-11am damali ayo guest hosts ART FOCUS - spotlight on audio art - program in two files, second one in stereo . (((Pssst: If you're into consciousness stretching audio art - check out A DIFFERENT NATURE on air simulcast online 9-11pm Thursdays "sustained new music and eclectic sonic environments" arranged by Richard Francis))) ... 12/29: Jon Hassel. A jazz trumpeter working within a style which he calls "Fourth World Music," fusing exotic musics from the tribal cultures of the Southern hemispheres with the technological possibilities of the West, in an attempt to create music which dissolves the dichotomy between the structural (classical) and the sensual (popular) . 6:00 pm: AFRICA ON FIRE! 12/29: Local Nigerian author and storyteller Dr. Scholastica Njoku reviews African books with Dr. Robert Hamilton. Special guest Mr ___ duPlessis ... plus all the regional and international African news the corporate media won't divulge. Join host Marianne Fry .