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Program Information
pdx KBOO news and public affairs
plus juicy summary of 7-7:30am 'Get This' News [!]
Lisa Loving, pmnews director  Contact Contributor
Jan. 10, 2006, 5:16 p.m.
see notes - also summary program lineup
J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 6 - kboo Week-At-A-Glance schedule - JPG
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7-7:30am 1006 'Get This' News [!] - no audio today, but check juicy text summary by producer, Chris Andreae aka 'spitfire' =
0106 7-7:30am 'Get This' news [!]
author: spitfire
Summary of the KBOO am news for January 6th, 2006
1. Researchers at OSU did what researchers do and found that salvage logging - contrary to the claims of the business community - inhibits rather than promotes post-conflagaration forest regeneration. Based on logged vs unlogged land, the study found that logging cause more future fires by leaving debris on the ground and it tears of the land where new baby trees are trying to grow. (Which is what environmental activists have been saying all along. But since all such good people have been renamed 'ecoterrorists', no one has been paying any attention)
2. Pete DeFazio gave back his Abramoff/Indian money but Ron Wyden did not
3. The $172 million Dept. of Human Services boondoggle is not just a screwing of the poor. Now it turns out the shortfall will be long felt by the Oregon State Police
4. Multnomah County chairwoman Diane Linn says she going to include $5 million in her proposed budget to help schools cope with the loss of income taxes that end this summer
5. The ship-breaking company, Bay Bridge Enterprises (which is owned by an Indian company Adani Global that has a world-class record of environmental violations) is trying to buy 216 acres in Coos Bay (The owner was thwarted in her attempts to sell the land to developers by zoning and land-use restrictions) from Robin Stevenot, a woman whose greed knows no bounds. (Contact Friends of Yaquina Bay to find out more about stopping the final deathblow to our seacoast)
6. Kitzhaber says he is willing to lead a new campaign to help transform the nation's healthcare system. (Is Kitz running? I don't know, but I will say that Kulongoski has been standing still for these past few years)
7. Willamette Education Service District employees rallied outside district offices yesterday while union representatives tried to negotiate a pay raise inside. (Here's to any successful effort on the part of any union at all anywhere. We'll let know as soon as the labor movement in the US makes the Endangered Species List)
8. Senate Democrats are considering invoking their right to hold the Alito committee vote over for one week in order to be able to go home and tell enraged voters that "We tried really, really hard to stop Alito but gosh, we're just so compromised by power and money that we couldn't do it"
9. The US is going to get itself a big fat shiny new prison and it's going to be in Afghanistan and we get to do anything we like in our new prison because it's ours because we broke the country and now we own it and because the boys and girls in uniform may not know much about history or geography, but goddamn if they don't know how to build human pyramids and wield electrodes
10. The Senate won't go along with foof aid reform because, well, because it would piss-off power agricultural and shipping industry interests. Obviously it makes more sense to give poor people money so that they can buy their own food locally, thus contributing to their own economies. But here in America given a choice between a big sack of money and a big sack of soybeans, most people would 'take the money and run'. So it makes most Americans happy to send off the food, keep the money and feel good about being such a generous people
11. The Florida Supreme Court (When you see those three little words you know that comedy cannot be far behind) struck down a state program that uses taxpayer money to pay tuition for children attending private school. The state got sued for providing an alternative, unregulated education system. But Florida has 29 thousand other kids getting the same assistance. So what is going on here is that somebody had it coing to them)
12. The state of Virginia tested the DNA of a man who was executed in 1992 (He got 'the chair', in case you were morbidly wondering), and guess what the state of found out? Seems that Virginia isn't just for lovers, it's also for blood-crazed death penalty supporters
13. Down Syndrome is more common in the US than previously thought. (Another possibility is that maybe Down Syndrome more common because the frayed and tattered ozone layer hasn't been able to keep up with all those gene-altering ultraviolet rays)
14. FSRN: A panel of judges appointed by the WTO has once again delayed a preliminary decision on genetically modified crops
15. If you work for IBM (And you know who you are), you can kiss your pension good-bye (In fact, if you have any knid of pension at all, you can kiss it off, because in the brave new future, no one is going to have a pension. We'll all just sink or swim. We won't even see it coming as we all have shorter and shorter attention spans, less memory and more entertainment. Who will even remember by 2050 that once companies rewarded workers for a lifetime of toil with a few final years of secure retirement)
16. In Iraq the anarchy and blood shed just keep rising
17. Even in Afghanistan a suicide bomber killed more than 10n people. It had something to do with the mere presence of American ambassador Ronald Neumann. (What is it about Americans that just seems to set some people off?)
18. Ariel Sharon is back in the operating room today and it is considered unlikely that even if he survives Sharon will return to politics (I don't see why not. I personally like the man far more now than I did before)
19. But who are we Americans to look askance at the antics of world leaders when we have our very own Pat Robertson. Here's what The Bigot We Love to Hate has gone and said this time: God considers this land to be his - you read the Bible and he says 'This is my land. and for any prime minister of Israel who decided he is going to carve it up and give it away, God says, 'No, this is mine.' God's message is, 'This land belongs to me. You'd better leave it alone." Many Palestinians share these sentiments with God. (I'm picturing God playing the banjo and singing: This land is made for Me and Me) What is Robertson talking about? Sometimes Pat works in mysterious ways that are beyond mere human understanding - but perfectly understandable to batshit-crazy bloodthirsty hell-vipers, like himself
. . .
6-7pm BREAD AND ROSES - Thom Hartmann "The Last Hour of Ancient Sunlight" 10 steps to restore democracy to America : a declaration rights for the 21st century--constitution needs amendment to replace "person" with "natural person", to remove special powers now exercised by corporations

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01:59:20 1 Jan. 6, 2006
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