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Program Information
pdx kboo News and Public Affairs
this is recorded off the air - bad reception today, will fix tomorrow
Regular Show  Contact Contributor
Feb. 8, 2006, 3:33 p.m.
FEBRUARY 2006 - KBOO program schedule Week At A Glance lineup
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Foundation/KBOO 90.7fm Portland Oregon
precis and comments on kboo 7-7:30am morning news broadcast
'Get This' news
author: spitfire
Summary of the KBOO am news for February 8th, 2006
1. The implications of the Bush budget is beginning to sink in. Actually, it's more an act of fiscal terrorism - (fiscoterrorism?). Bush wants the Bonneville Power Administration to reverse its policy of using surplus revenue to lower rates for NW consumers. Instead Bush wants our savings to pay for an economic train wreck that he himself caused.
2. Jim Hill is running for Democratic gubernatorial candidate. Hill is the first person of color to win statewide office in Oregon. He's counting on Oregonians' deep dissatisfaction with Kulongoski: The pro-business policies, the "shovel-ready" attitude toward the environment, the casino in the Gorge, the shafting of public employees, the Republican appointees in state government... ). If the incumbent (more like 'recumbent') Kulongoski wins the primary, there goes the last of the forests...
3. The pro-casino businessmen (from LakeO, I believe) have raised - and spent - vast sums of money. And not on gambling; this is pretty much a sure thing.
4. OR: Police violence in Oregon City is finally got the attention of the activist community (Those who have already been beaten badly by the Clackamas County Blue Bruisers are already painfully (ouch) (ouch again) aware of the extent of the problem. A protest is planned at the Sheriff's office, 2223 Kaen Rd, Oregon City at noon. Be forewarded, the cops are very sensitive about bad publicity so bring video cameras and keep the tape rolling, no matter what happens...
5. The federal government has abruptly yanked funding for OSU's forestry research center because... ? That's right! The paper published recently in Science that demonstrated that forests recover from fires faster if they are left undisturbed. (The move is not surprising in light of the Admin's consistent suppression of all research that challenges its irresponsible policies.
6. Washington congressman Jay Inslee wants the Inspector General to investigate the OSU fracas. (Which raises the question: Why didn't Earl Blumenaur or Wu or Hooley or DeFazio fer chrissake step up to bat?)
7. The Senate's top Democratic tax writer says that Bush's recommendations for "reforming" tax laws do not stand a chance in Congress. (ho ho! What makes the guy think congress won't go all 'Party Line' on him?)
8. FEMA is going to stop paying for hotel rooms for Katrina survivors. (Refer to Bush's budget for clarification on this latest act of fiscoterrorism)
9. Warmest January on record here in Oregon...
10. Jimmy Carter says Bush broke the law when he launched his domestic surveillance orgy.
11. US Brigadier General Mark Kimmit says that the presence of 300 thousand foreign (meaning American) troops in the Middle east is sending the wrong message (The Danish cartoons didn't help either). Little does Kimmit realize that the Bush Admin's likely response to these remarks is "Baby, you ain't seen nuthin yet!"
12. Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter says that Iran is definitely the next target of US aggression. (Presumably the rationale is, 'What the hell... They're already pissed off at us anyway so where's the harm?')
13. The Army is charging 1st Lieutenant Eddie Rebrook $700 for the body armor that was cut from his wounded body (Picture the scene: "You were lucky you got the damn turtle suit in the first place, Eddie. I hear the Iraqis are going to bill you for the IED components you ruined... ")
14. Australia is involved in shady oil for food dealings. (Which is convenient because it serves to distract the highly distractable American people from looking too hard about US involvement in oil-for-food scams, especially at a time when most of the Republican Party leadership in under indictment for corruption of one sort or another.
15. Shaul Mofaz, Israeli Defense Minister backed up the PM's claims that Israel will take what ever land it wants, in case any neighboring countries in the region have forgotten that Israel has an established Nuclear missile program (Hell, never mind the missile part - they could just shoot the thing out of a cannon... )
16. Haiti held elections yesterday. The voting was for the most part violence-free.
17. What if they held an election and nobody came? That's about what happened in Nepal. Why vote, after all, when all the election is a sham designed primarily to lock King Gyanendra's direct rule.
18. Oil workers in Argentina stormed a police station.
19. In Havana, Cubans have raised a huge monument commemorating the 3,400 people killed since 1959 as a result of American violence. Not surprising, but remember: 'Location, location, location. The monument is directly in front of the enormous scrolling message board displaying anti-Castro vitriol on the wall of the US mission. (I sense the hand of Karen Hughes behind this genius PR campaign.)

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