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Program Information
if music could talk
 dj carlito  Contact Contributor
Sept. 7, 2007, 11:22 a.m.
Amon Tobin- Dream Sequence
Look Inside -4 Hero Play With the Changes
kenek-keneklah udang -Ahmad jaid & zaleha hamid (malaysia)
Ngariung -Anna Manthovani
Tilil Dog Celentong -Anna Susanti Atun Z.
Beas Beureum - Diah Iskandar
Panon Hideung - Diah Iskandar
Peuyeum Bandung - Elly Kasim
Aku Sudah Dewasa -ERNIE DJOHAN
Cinta Pelarian --ERNIE DJOHAN
Kudengar Suaramu -ERNIE DJOHAN
Coba Terka -Ervinna
Nasib Bungaku -Ervinna
Kereta Lembu -Helen Velu (Malaysia)
Terkejut - Hetty Koes Endang
Minta Izin -Inneke Kusumawati
Warung Pojok - Jetty Wijaya
pujaanku- Johanna sattar
Main Ceki -- Lilis Surjani
Batang Hari - Nenny Triana
Cari Uban - Nenny Triana & Mansjur S.
Halimah dan Samiun- Nenny Triana & Mansjur S.
Bunyi Gitar -P. Ramlee (malaysia)
bila larut malam- Saloma (malaysia)
Seiring dan Sejalan - Sharifah Aini & Broery Mantika
La Krebna - The Swallows (Singapore/Bawean)
Nga Lompak Ago Go - The Swallows (Singapore/Bawean)
The Swallows-Bunga Berachun - The Swallows (Singapore/Bawean)
The Swallows-La Ngomber - The Swallows (Singapore/Bawean)
Malam Syaduh -TETTY KADI and ALFIAN
Kekasih Diambang Pintu -TITIEK SANDHORA
Hati Hati Bermain Cinta -Titiek Sandhora
Ayo Berpantun-Wiwiek Abidin
Ku Kenang Selalu -YULIA YASMIN
Malam Terakhir - Rhoma Irama
Dangdut Reggae - Zaleha Hamid (malaysia)

(All Mp3s were provided by my friends in Indonesia and the Netherlands - thanks for making this edition of "If Music COuld Talk" possible!)

Download Program Podcast
01:00:30 1 Sept. 2, 2007
wrir studios
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 01:00:30  80Kbps mp3
(34.63MB) Mono
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If Music Could Talk Sep 2 2007 Indonesian Classics pt 2 Download Program Podcast
01:02:33 1 Sept. 2, 2007
wrir studios
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 01:02:33  80Kbps mp3
(35.8MB) Mono
350 Download File...