Dengue Fever- Oceans of Venus - Venus on Earth - M80 music
Interview with Senon Williams of Dengue Fever - songs between segments below are mostly excerpts
Dengue Fever- Seeing Hands - Venus on Earth - M80 music Sinn Sisamouth and Ros Serey Sothea - Mou Pei Na - Sleepwalking through the Mekong DVD/CD (coming April 14 09) - M80 music Dengue Fever - Sni Bong - Escape from Dragon House - M80 music Dengue Fever - Escape from Dragon House - Escape from Dragon House - M80 music Sinn Sisamouth and Ros Serey Sothea - New Year's Eve - Sleepwalking through the Mekong DVD/CD (coming April 14 09) - M80 music Khmer Wedding Music - Khmer Rocks - 2003 Dengue Fever - Tiger Phone Card - Venus on Earth - M80 music Dengue Fever - Lake Dolores - Escape from Dragon House - M80 music
various khmer music - Heng Heng production - wedding music Khmer one string lute - Cambodia Traditional Music Vol 1 Meas Sok Sophear - Srah Muy Keo Khmer Songs - Khmer Sarin Tra ? Pich Chenda - Kaday Snaeh Ha Meas Sok Sophear - Kro Thay (Psychic Teacher) Touch Sunnix - Dip Dip Ooy Sin Sisamouth & Ros Serey Sothea - Phka Avey