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Program Information
New World Notes
Weekly Program
George Carlin, Utah Phillips, Bruce Springsteen; Kenneth Dowst
 Kenneth Dowst  Contact Contributor
April 17, 2009, 6:24 p.m.
Why is the U.S. so warlike? Some claim, because MEN are running the show. That may be over-simple, but do they have a point? Three famous men all say "yes." UTAH PHILLIPS and BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN each tell a personal story about how American masculinity promotes war (in Korea & Vietnam, respectively). GEORGE CARLIN denounces Gulf War I as "a big dick-waving contest" started by the penile-insecure GHW Bush.
Utah Phillips talk from an interview with Amy Goodman, courtesy of Springsteen narrative from "Live/1975-1985." New World Notes is produced for WWUH-FM, Public Alternative Radio at the University of Hartford. Feedback to kdowst at hotmail dot com.
George Carlin's performance is a masterpiece of vituperation. I've never heard him so angry, so bitter, so profane--yet still so recognizably Carlin. If Gulf War I p***ed him off this much, imagine how he would have reacted to our and Israel's Gaza adventure this past January! Rest in peace, George--you've earned it.

Photos and graphics complement the stories. View them in the newsletter or on the blog-- . Weekly email newsletter free on request.

SONG--Bruce Springsteen, "The River" [live, long version]

SERIES OVERVIEW -- Political and social commentary in a variety of genres. Exploring the gap between what we want ... and what they're trying to make us settle for. "Date recorded" = date of first scheduled broadcast.

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00:28:00 1 April 21, 2009
West Hartford, CT
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