This is the fifth installment of "The Point." The show airs every Tuesday on WHRW 90.5 FM in Binghamton NY, or on the internet. This program aired October 20th 2009.
This show features four interviews with activists and researchers related to gas drilling. Here they are in order: -Texas Sharon, host of -- -Dr. Tom Power, economics professor at University of Montana, discussing economic impacts of natural gas drilling -Don Young, founder of FWCanDo (Fort Worth Citizens against neighborhood drilling ordinance) -Dr. Wilma Subra, chemist, recipient of the MacArthur Genius Award, co-founder and board member of Oil and Gas Accountability Project, board member of Earthworks.
TxSharon and Don Young talked of their experiences as activists fighting the drilling in and near the Fort Worth area.
Dr. Power discussed the economic impacts (positive and negative) of natural gas drilling, and what it means to the local community.
Dr. Subra discussed her work testing the air in DISH Texas, and the report she gave to the New York State Senate regarding clean water.
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Vincent Fronda, Nastassja Noell, Texas Sharon, Dr. Tom Power, Don Young, Dr. Wilma Subra