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Program Information
CKLN 88.1 FM's Word of Mouth Mondays and Rude Awakening
Hosted by Black Krishna
Daily Program
Dan Dicks, Bryan Law, Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones
 Anonymous  Contact Contributor
July 6, 2010, 6:16 a.m.
These episodes: A special CKLN Word of Mouth Mondays guest-hosting spot featuring Dan Dicks and Bryan Law of sitting in for the whole hour to discuss their new film "United We Fall" about the SPP.Gov / North American Union sequel to NAFTA, the G20 Summit "security" in Toronto, globalization and more. CKLN's Rude Awakening show discusses how to take steps to re-establish local ownership of your environment and keep an eye on the crazy things the Feds and Globalists are up to.
CKLN Radios Rude Awakening Morning News Radio Show is currently hosted by Black Krishna (BK) Monday to Thursday from 6 - 7 am on CKLN 88.1 FM, Rogers Cable 947 or online. Public domain mp3s for re-posting, re-using, adapting or sharing are available after 8 am at, and Please feel free to contact with any questions, answers, suggestions, tips, music and more.
Tell your MP that Canada needs a better trade policy

Governments and big business have spent the last 15 years telling us that free trade is good for us. But Canadians know better. Despite promises that free trade deals would make Canadian companies more competitive, Canada has consistently lagged behind the United States in both productivity and competitiveness since the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 1989 and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1995. The new jobs created in the free trade era have been largely part-time and poorly paid. Social inequality in our country has grown as a direct result of workers’ inability to earn a decent wage to support their families.

The SPP Prosperity working groups established (2005 - 2010) cover a wide range of issue areas:

* Manufactured Goods & Sectoral and Regional Competitiveness
* Movement of Goods
* Energy
* Environment
* E-Commerce & Information Communications Technologies
* Financial Services
* Business Facilitation
* Food and Agriculture
* Transportation
* Health

EU, Canada put faith in trade - Toronto Star, July 5, 2010

Roy MacLaren Chairman of the Canada Europe Roundtable for Business and former federal minister of international trade

Amid the ups and downs in news about global economic recession and recovery — in Canada’s case notably up — comes the good news of progress by the European Union and Canada in negotiating a “Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.” The pending agreement goes well beyond the Canada-U.S. free trade agreement and NAFTA. At the beginning of last year, both sides launched the negotiations by putting everything on the table, tariffs and non-tariff barriers alike.

G20 a bust for businesses

* DVD's to burn copies and share them with the filmmakers permission *

United We Fall 19.95 - and - The Nation's Deathbed 14.95

United We Fall - Full Film Free Online To Share

The Nation’s Deathbed - Full Film Free Online To Share

Press For Truth Video Report About The G20 Summit Weekend

Press For Truth on Russia Today TV: Toronto a "dystopian version of the future"

The Alex Jones Show - June 26, 2010 - Welcomes back to the show Jesse Ventura, former governor of Minnesota, retired professional wrestler and color commentator, Navy Seal veteran, actor, and former radio and television talk show host. Jesse's TruTV's show, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, is the most popular show in the network's history.

Queen trumpets Canadian freedom, fairness

Freemasons open a lodge at Buckingham Palace... but the Queen isn't amused


Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of the Province of Ontario in Canada

Freemasonry is the oldest and largest world wide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. Although of a religious nature, Freemasonry is not a religion. It urges its members, however, to be faithful and devoted to their own religious beliefs. In our Province the governing body is called the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. It is under the leadership of the Grand Master. He presides over the 53,000 Masons who belong to one or more of the 571 lodges in our jurisdiction. Each of these lodges is under the direction of a Worshipful Master.

The British Presence in India in the 18th Century

Chatham House, also known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs

In 1919 British and American delegates to the Paris Peace Conference, under the leadership of Lionel Curtis, conceived the idea of an Anglo-American Institute of foreign affairs to study international problems with a view to preventing future wars. In the event, the British Institute of International Affairs was founded separately in London in July 1920 and received its Royal Charter in 1926 to become The Royal Institute of International Affairs. The American delegates developed the Council on Foreign Relations in New York as a sister institute. Both are now among the world's leading international affairs think-tanks.

K-Os - FUN! - YES!


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04:00:00 1 July 6, 2010
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04:00:00 1 July 6, 2010
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04:00:00 1 July 6, 2010
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04:00:00 1 July 6, 2010
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