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Program Information
CKLN 88.1 FM's Rude Awakening
Hosted by BK aka Vijay
Regular Show
Alex Jones, Alan Watt, John F. Kennedy, Sylvan Molyneux, David Icke, Tupac Shakur
 Anonymous  Contact Contributor
Dec. 2, 2010, 9:24 a.m.
This episode: how does Toronto Mayor Rob Ford saying "The war on the car is over!" and shutting down Transit City help us fight UN Agenda 21? Can we push for small policies that fight the big agenda? Why is Homeland Security shutting down websites? Are countries like farms? Are we trained to work like animals? Then why are we being sprayed like bugs? Why are so many girls kissing girls? Are we making each other soft? Can we find a good place to discuss this? How about Freejasonic Fight Clubs?
CKLN Radios Rude Awakening Morning Show is hosted by Black Krishna, aka BK, aka Vijay Sarma, aka Vij, on Mondays and Thursdays from 6 - 7 am EST on CKLN 88.1 FM, Rogers Cable 947 or online. Public domain mp3s to share or post clips online on YouTube (eg.) are available after 8 am at, and Visit - or contact or with questions, answers, suggestions and more.

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John Oakley: King maker

Peter Kuitenbrouwer | National Post | November 27, 2010

... Rob Ford fit right in on the Wall of Men, and helped Mr. Oakley’s show rise to No. 1 for men aged 25 to 54 among AM talk radio stations in Toronto. Still, no one intended to make him mayor.

... “People were starting to pay attention,” Mr. Oakley adds. “When you start to name names, it personalizes things. Sandra Bussin rented a bunny suit. Canadians don’t have that take no prisoners kind of approach. And Robbie was refreshing in that sense. There was that Tommy Boy element, it’s just like he’s a little out of control. Rob would be banging on that note [of new taxes] and contrasting that with their expenses, and you could feel people being worked into a lather. And people would start to call in and say, ‘Rob Ford for Mayor.’”

In March, Mr. Ford announced his mayoral bid on Mr. Oakley’s show, saying, “The listeners are the people who got me to where I am today.”

Ford defends G20 police

... Ford was on AM640 - the talk radio station he's been going on for seven years - speaking to host John Oakley and taking calls from listeners.

Report on G20 secret law to be released next week

‘War on the car is over’: Ford moves transit underground

Ford vows to freeze Toronto's property taxes

Rob Ford’s first Toronto council meeting agenda: Slash budgets, axe taxes

Prostitution ruling could put Ford in charge of 'Sex City'

Cancun climate change summit: scientists call for rationing in developed world

The Food Crisis Of 2011

TSA now setting up Nazi-style “VIPER” security checkpoints at bus terminals

US Government seizure of the internet has begun; DHS takes over 76 websites

The Alex Jones Show (1.Dec.10) welcomes Stefan Molyneux, a Canadian philosopher, blogger, essayist, author, and host of the Freedomain Radio series of podcasts. He has written numerous articles for Libertarian websites and has logged over 1,700 podcasts, produced over 500 videos, and authored several books.

Cutting Through The Matrix with Alan Watt: Hollywood Trending to Get Culture Bending - November 29, 2010

"It Would Seem The Agenda's Right on Track,
Have a Glance Around, There's No Going Back,
For Men Turned Meek and Women are Wild,
Television Gives New Culture to the Child ..."

Dawn of the flexisexual: The new word for the women who refuse to play it straight

Usher featuring Nicki Minaj - Lil Freak


[Try "really" listening to the lyrics and seeing the video as programming - Ed.]

Supermodel Tyra Banks pilloried in new report on reality TV

Misty Harris | PostMedia News | November 1, 2010

... "I think Tyra really does believe she's helping these girls, and wants to break beauty open for a wider range of ethnicities and appearance types. But she doesn't know how to do it in a way that isn't exploitative," says Pozner, who unpacks more than 1,000 hours of reality programming in her new book.

... In a recent episode of the CW show, now in its 15th season, a young woman breaks down in tears at the prospect of kissing a male model, revealing that she was a victim of sexual abuse as a girl. She's told by the show's creative director, "You have to deal with this," and later berated by a judge for looking "extremely uncomfortable" with the man during her shoot.

... Once the bulimic melodrama is played for all its worth, Pozner says Banks shows the willowy young woman the door, decreeing that she didn't "want it" enough.

U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects

By Chisa Fujioka | Reuters | October 21, 2010

NAGOYA, Japan (Reuters) - The United Nations should impose a moratorium on "geo-engineering" projects such as artificial volcanoes and vast cloud-seeding schemes to fight climate change, green groups say, fearing they could harm nature and mankind.

Toronto Monday Morning Chemtrail Blues (aka The Rainmaker) - Part 3

Invisible Chemtrail Mind Control: Can Most People Do Something Easy About This?


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02:00:00 1 Dec. 2, 2010
Toronto, Canada
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02:00:00 1 Dec. 2, 2010
Toronto, Canada
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