Shiva came in September 2011 to the first national Heirloom Seed Expo held in Santa Rosa, CA, to give the keynote speech. 10,000 people had come on short notice to see plants and seeds that would already be extinct had not someone lovingly collected and bred them.
Vandana Shiva, trained in quantum physics, became a seed saver and ecologist in 1982. She and her organization Navdanya have done a huge part of the work limiting the spread of GMOs into India. For her the attempts to impose GMOs on India is a war on life and the most recent wave of colonialism. She and the members of Navdanya learned from Gandhi's campaigns against the British - and as Gandhi chose the spinning wheel and salt, they chose the seed as the vessel of life and dedicated themselves to its protection.
Baker Creek Seeds
Shivaâs books include Biopiracy, Stolen Harvest, Monocultures of the Mind, and Water Wars. Her many awards include the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the "Alternative Nobel Peace Prize." She spoke in September 2011 at the Heirloom Seed Expo organized by Baker Creek Seeds along with many independent seed companies, farmers and schools.